Over the years, I’ve been exposed to a number of coach-written books. Many, though certainly nowhere near all, serve as little more than business cards or lead magnets to their coaching programs.
Some are good, some are just okay. Few, however, would I consider to be as well-written and well-researched as the one I want to expose you to today.
It is written by Kelli Thompson and is called Closing the Confidence Gap: Boost Your Peace, Your Potential, and Your Paycheck.
In it, Kelli asks, What would you do if you had a little more confidence? Would you take the next step in your career, assume more leading roles, set boundaries, ask for a raise, or even run for office?
She goes on to say that doubt and imposter feelings are a big reason women hold back and play small instead of going for what they truly desire at work. Coupled with the systemic gender equity issues and the resulting burnout that plagues women in the workplace today, it’s no wonder that so many women are undervaluing themselves and their abilities.
These doubtful thoughts and systemic issues, she says, are expensive―they cost women their peace, their potential, and their paychecks.
To close the confidence gap and see more women showing up in their full potential at work, Kelli says we need more women leaders at the top of organizations. Her book will show you how to advance with confidence, despite the systemic issues that women face every day at work. You’ll hear deeply personal stories and walk away with practical tools to show you how to claim your role as a confident leader.
“It’s time to own who you are, trust yourself, and take your bravest next step.” — Kelli Thompson
I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about Kelli and her work. For a summary, just keep scrolling.
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