Episode #167: Why You Really SHOULD Sweat the Small Stuff

With New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews

When a New York Times bestselling author visits the podcast, I consider it a pretty big deal. When one agrees to do it a second time, I begin to wonder what’s wrong with them.

I’m kidding of course. And, I’m delighted that, nearly four years later, New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews is back for another visit.

Andy Andrews

This time he’s here to talk about his new book The Little Things: Why You Really SHOULD Sweat the Small Stuff.

Have you ever wondered why we spend so much time and energy thinking about the big challenges in our lives when all the evidence proves it’s actually the little things that change everything? As in…absolutely everything.

Andy shows us how we can succeed by actually going against the modern adage, “don’t sweat the small stuff.” In fact, he says NOT sweating the small stuff is pretty unproductive.

Click “play” below to dig in deeper.

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Episode #165: Becoming a Pro at Live Video Streaming

With Live Video Expert Luria Petrucci

I can point to a couple of people who were super influential in my desire to launch this podcast. Today’s guest is one of those people. 

Luria Petrucci was making a splash and breaking new ground when she launched her own video podcast called GeekBeat.tv over 11 years ago back in late 2005. 

luria petrucci

Not long after that, I would receive, as an anniversary gift, a video iPod from my awesome wife. So, what did I do? I went out and found some awesome podcasts to listen to, and in Luria’s case, watch.

She was immediately engaging, and her episodes were infectious. As a self-professed early adopter, I so looked forward to what she had to say about the latest and greatest tech gadget.

If you had told me back then that one day I would be interviewing her on my very own show, I wouldn’t have believed it. Yet, here we are.

Because of the influence she’s had on me, and the wonderful work she’s doing helping to demystify live streaming video for the Average Joe like you and me, I decided to make, for the first time in the history of Read to Lead, an exception.

Luria hasn’t (yet) written a book. That’s right. She’s not officially an author. However, when it comes to demonstrating out-of-the-box leadership, not to mention overcoming life’s obstacles and living life outside your comfort zone, there are very few better real-life examples I could choose to highlight.

In short, she’s an inspiration. Click the play button below and let Luria inspire you.

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Read to Lead University Registration is Open!

Only 50 spots available!

I’ve got some great news. My exclusive book club, created especially for listeners of Read to Lead, has officially re-opened for only the second time.

I call it Read to Lead University.

There are only 50 spots available, and several of those spots have already been snagged by those who were on the standby list after our last open registration.

You’ll need to act fast, or risk missing out all together.

You may be thinking, “Why only 50 spots, Jeff?”

You see, limiting the number of people coming in at any one time, especially for a relatively new project like this one, allows me to truly super serve each member.

Being on the ground floor of something like this is a big deal, so I want to do all I can to make it special. Capping registrations gives me the ability to do that.


Here’s what you’ve missed – but have a chance to check out once a member…

Since launching the book club in late January to 50 charter members, we’ve read both Reach and Deep Work as a group.

In this short time, members were able to submit questions about Deep Work to the author himself, Cal Newport (and he graciously answered every last one)! The questions and his responses are posted in our members area.

Not only that, but Reach author Andy Molinsky joined us for our very first LIVE monthly book chat about his book! Yes, we recorded it. It’s in the members area AND, it’s AWESOME!

So, what all does your membership get you? Great question. Membership includes:

  • A personal invitation to our LIVE monthly, members-only book chats
  • The chance to build relationships with other members via our live, virtual breakout sessions
  • Access to all book chat recordings (even the ones held before you joined)
  • Access to on-going book- and reading-related resources
  • Entry into our private Facebook group for on-going discussions
  • A subscription to Read to Lead University magazine (our printable and downloadable monthly book summaries)
  • Accountability and encouragement toward your reading goals
  • Helpful strategies each month to ensure you take action on what you’re learning
  • A chance to ask questions of, and forward comments to, some of the authors whose books we’re reading.
  • And, yes, the chance to meet some of our authors through occasional visits to our LIVE book chats!

Sounds awesome, right? But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what current members are saying:

“If you want more meaning, more brain power and more fun in your professional development, you’ve just found it.” – Sherri G.

Right out of the gate we had an opportunity to hear directly from our first book’s author. It’s been very cool and I look forward to the other books this year. – Sovann P.

The group calls are fantastic! Read to Lead University has been a great investment in ME! – Sara H.

The member rate is just $25 per month. AND you should know that once these 50 slots are filled, membership will never be offered at this rate again.

I don’t expect these slots to last long so, if you’re in, make sure you join now by clicking this link:

===>> Read to Lead University Enrollment

You may be wondering, “Jeff, what books are you reading together next?” Great question.

Our April book is called The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington. Then, in May, we’ll be diving into Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One by Jenny Blake.

Put simply, I want to help you actually execute on what you’re learning through the reading you’re doing. That’s what Read to Lead University is all about.

Like my wife Annie wrote yesterday morning during her daily devotional time:

Knowledge is good, but there is a vast difference between knowledge (having the facts) and wisdom (applying those fact to life).

Let this community help you with “applying those facts to life.” I hope you’ll join us.

Episode #164: Pursuing Your God-Given Purpose

With Quarter-Life Calling author Paul Sohn

My guest today, despite his relatively young age, is a leadership expert. I should know. I’ve been following his work for several years and he never ceases to amaze me with his consistent and excellent work. 

His name is Paul Sohn and it’s one I believe you need to get to know. 

paul sohn

A little over a year ago, Paul self-published a book called Quarter-Life Calling. I was actually a part of his “launch team,” helping to get the word out about the book among my followers. Paul and I even talked about him being on the show back then, but weren’t able to work it out schedule-wise. Turns out, that was for the better.

His success with self-publishing and creating buzz around the book caught the attention of a literary agent who ended up shopping the book around to traditional publishers with one eventually signing him to a deal.

Fast-forward a year and here we are. A new-and-improved version of Paul’s book (with 7,000 more words) is about to hit the bookshelves (April 4).

Even if you’re, say, like me and more like Quarter-Life times two, certainly you know someone who this book would be ideal for. For me, that’s my 22-year-old nephew.

Do yourself a favor and check out my conversation with Paul below.

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Episode #163: How to Fuel a Lifelong Love Affair With Your Customers

With Tara-Nicholle Nelson, author of The Transformational Consumer

According to today’s guest, as brands “we must dedicate ourselves to becoming a facilitator of the transformations people want to make in their lives.”

The reason, according to Tara-Nicholle Nelson, is because of the number-one factor limiting your company’s success. Disengagement. 

tara-nicholle nelson

She dives into this and more in her new book, The Transformational Consumer: Fuel a Lifelong Love Affair With Your Customers By Helping Them Get Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser.

In it, she reveals a Transformational Consumer Framework to help you elevate how you think about everything: your customer, what you sell, your marketing, the competition, and your team.

For more on this topic, just click the play button below. You’ll be glad you did. And, to enter to win a copy of Tara’s book, just click here.

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