339: What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters with Dr. Michelle Deering

I first met today’s guest at a conference I spoke at two years ago this month.

The crowd was one of the best I’ve ever been in front of, namely because it was filled with people a lot like her.

I’m talking about author, and now friend, Dr. Michelle Deering. She is one of the most thoughtful, compassionate, and generous people I know.

She’s also written a book called What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters: 5 Keys to Building Trust, Restoring Connection, and Strengthening Relationships.

You’re probably thinking about now something akin to, “Wait?! What?”

When it comes to effectively leading yourself and others, it all begins and ends with relationships. That’s what Dr. Deering and I dive into here, along with issues of race and diversity.

I encourage you to not only pick up a copy of her book for yourself but anyone else you know who could benefit from reading it.

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337: Change (the) Management with Author Al Comeaux

Today’s guest is a former Travelocity, GE, and American Airlines executive.

He is a decorated corporate pioneer and global authority on change from inside organizations.

al comeaux

I’m talking about Al Comeaux (pronounced COH-moh). His career championing change as a senior leader at uber-disruptive dot-coms as well as established, world-renowned companies – and his twenty-year journey researching why so many change efforts fail and what’s needed for success – make him one of the world’s most forward thinkers on what leaders must do – and how they must think – to succeed at change.

His new book is called Change (the) Management: Why We as Leaders Must Change for the Change to Last.

Make sure you visit Al’s website to score a free chapter from the new book.

And be sure and check out Scott Maderer over at the Inspired Stewardship Podcast. He was kind enough to introduce me to Al.

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336: Building an Unbeatable Business with Square Co-Founder Jim McKelvey

When my wife Annie first launched her side business, one of the most difficult parts of the process was making her business credit card ready.

If you’ve ever gone through this process for your own business, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

jim mckelvey

The paperwork, the contracts, the fees, who could make sense of it all? You might say it was a business model ripe for disruption.

Enter Jim McKelvey and Jack Dorsey, co-founders of Square.

For my wife, her business launch overlapped with the existence of Square, and it wasn’t long before we were canceling contracts and paying the accompanying penalties so that she could say “hello” to the gift-from-heaven that was Square.

Jim McKelvey has a new book out, released earlier this year, called The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time.

My biggest take-away from our conversation is not to count yourself out thinking you can’t do something just because no one else has yet. The world may in fact be waiting for you to make it happen.

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334: The Business of Friendship with Shasta Nelson

We need to change our mindset.  The phrase “I’m not here to make friends,” is the opposite of how we should think about our workplace.

So says my guest today who is an expert on building healthy and appropriate friendships in the workplace.

shasta nelson

Her name is Shasta Nelson and she was an absolute delight to chat with. I learned a lot from her and from her book.

It’s called The Business of Friendship: Making the Most of Our Relationships Where We Spend Most of Our Time.

By not encouraging workplace friendships, Shasta says, companies and managers are missing out on a crucial opportunity to foster an inclusive and engaging environment where employees are more likely to want to spend the majority of their time.

By the way, her previous books include Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness, and Friendships Don’t Just Happen! The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of Girlfriends

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333: Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts with Michael Brody-Waite

When multiple friends reach out to you unsolicited and suggest you consider the same author, you pay attention.

First, thank you to Clark Buckner and Jeff Sanders. They know an amazing guest when they see one and were both quick to alert me.

michael brody-waite

Who is it they’re recommending? None other than Nashville entrepreneur Michael Brody-Waite. This was one of those rare interviews where I got chill bumps on more than one occasion just listening to him talk.

As you might have guessed, Michael released a book earlier this year. It’s called Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts: How to Lead Like Your Life Depends On It.

Michael is not only a recovering addict, but a three-time CEO, TEDx Speaker, Inc. 500 Founder, and leadership coach, and he is on a mission to revolutionize the rules of leadership

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