324: The Future of Behavior Design with Dr. BJ Fogg

While technically today’s featured book was released in 2019 (December 31 to be exact), I’ve dubbed it my favorite book so far this year!

Upon reading it, I immediately wanted to share it and attempt to teach its concepts to others. That, to me, is the mark of a great book.

bj fogg

What is this amazing book?

Well, it’s the New York Times bestseller Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything by Dr. BJ Fogg. Or, as BJ would now call it if he could rename it, Tiny Habits: The Future of Behavior Design.

The book sleeve on the front cover says confidently, “This book will change your life.” Just yesterday, my wife saw the book on my desk and asked if the claim was true. I answered with a resounding “YES!”

With breakthrough discoveries in every chapter, you’ll learn the simplest proven ways to transform your life. Whether you want to lose weight, de-stress, sleep better, or be more productive each day, Tiny Habits makes it easy to achieve.

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In today’s episode, Dr. Fogg and I explore:

  • How tiny can be transformative
  • His e=mc2-level behavior model
  • How to use the model not just to create good habits but how to adjust the model to bring an end to bad habits
  • And lots more!

Dr. Fogg in Action

Dr. Fogg’s Book

You can order Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything right now!

Books Dr. Fogg Recommends

Don’t Shoot the Dog: The Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Pryor

Social Learning and Imitation by Neal E. Miller

The Principles of Psychology Vol. 1 & 2 by William James

Check Out These Additional Resources

Visit Dr. Fogg’s website for more on him and his work.

Grab a copy of Fogg’s book now.

Invite Dr. Fogg to keynote your next event.

Connect with Dr. Fogg on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Don’t miss this super-secret resource BJ shared during out interview.

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