This month, inside the Read to Lead Community online, our theme is FEAR. How to act despite fear, to be even more specific.
The fears we dive into today include failure, rejection, success (yes, that’s a fear too), inadequacy (aka imposter syndrome), change, judgment or criticism, discomfort or difficulty, and disappointing others.
I also recommend a book to help tackle each of these with links below (you’re not surprised, are you?).
In this episode, you’ll learn how specific fears tend to show up, the impact they can have on your life when they go unchecked, methods for tackling each, head on, and specific actions steps you can take this week to push through (Hint: baby steps, and consistent, forward progress).
I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about how you can successfully push through your biggest fears. Just keep scrolling, or click the “play” button below.
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