488: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past with Dan Miller

One of my favorite guests of all time, and one of my favorite humans in general, is joining me again for this episode. His fourth visit thus far.

dan miller

I’m talking, of course, about New York Times bestselling author, Dan Miller.

His latest book, unconventional in that he made all the “wrong” choices during its creation, is called An Understanding Heart.

Some of those choices include:

  • A simulated leather book
  • 406 pages
  • 84 vignettes in all
  • Color pages
  • A satin bookmark
  • A gift box with key quotations
  • A bonus medallion
  • And more.

It’s about as excited as I’ve ever seen Dan about one of his projects. It’s the kind of book you can dive into for a few pages, put it down, and then come back to it later, without the guilt typically associated with approaching a book in that way.

For this reason and many others, it makes a fantastic gift! I loved it, and I think you will too.

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487: Closing the Confidence Gap with Kelli Thompson

Over the years, I’ve been exposed to a number of coach-written books. Many, though certainly nowhere near all, serve as little more than business cards or lead magnets to their coaching programs.

kelli thompson

Some are good, some are just okay. Few, however, would I consider to be as well-written and well-researched as the one I want to expose you to today.

It is written by Kelli Thompson and is called Closing the Confidence Gap: Boost Your Peace, Your Potential, and Your Paycheck.

In it, Kelli asks, What would you do if you had a little more confidence? Would you take the next step in your career, assume more leading roles, set boundaries, ask for a raise, or even run for office?

She goes on to say that doubt and imposter feelings are a big reason women hold back and play small instead of going for what they truly desire at work. Coupled with the systemic gender equity issues and the resulting burnout that plagues women in the workplace today, it’s no wonder that so many women are undervaluing themselves and their abilities.

These doubtful thoughts and systemic issues, she says, are expensive―they cost women their peace, their potential, and their paychecks.

To close the confidence gap and see more women showing up in their full potential at work, Kelli says we need more women leaders at the top of organizations. Her book will show you how to advance with confidence, despite the systemic issues that women face every day at work. You’ll hear deeply personal stories and walk away with practical tools to show you how to claim your role as a confident leader.

It’s time to own who you are, trust yourself, and take your bravest next step.” — Kelli Thompson

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486: Hidden Genius with Polina Marinova Pompliano

Twitter, or X, or whatever we’re calling it these days is an incredible place to learn and meet new and exciting people, despite what others are saying. It’s all about who you CHOOSE to follow that makes all the difference.

polina marinova pompliano

Someone I follow—I don’t recall who—made mention of a new book called Hidden Genius: The secret way of thinking that power the world’s most successful people.

I was immediately intrigued and began to researching the book and its author, Polina Marinova Pompliano.

In her book, Polina asks, “What distinguishes the truly exceptional from the merely great?”

After five years of writing The Profile, she has studied thousands of the most successful and interesting people in the world and examined how they reason their way through problems, unleash their creativity, and perform under extreme pressure.

The highest performers don’t use tricks or hacks to achieve greatness, she says. They use mental frameworks that fundamentally change the way they see the world. They’ve learned how to unlock their hidden genius in order to reach their full potential.

Polina’s book will help you do the same. After learning from the world’s most successful people featured inside, you will have a mental toolkit to help you tackle thorny problems, navigate relationships, and use creativity and resilience in times of uncertainty.

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485: An Unbound and Unbridled Path to Unstuck Growth with Bryan Orr

When I first met today’s guest several years ago, it was actually the second time I’d met him. Apparently, I said something like, “Nice to meet you.” To which he replied, “We’ve actually met before. I obviously made a strong impression,” or something to that effect. I liked his sense of humor right away.

bryan orr

His name, which I’ll never forget now, is Bryan Orr. And, his new book is called Unconformed: The Unbound and Unbridled Path to Unstuck Growth.

Let me ask you a question: Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut with your job? Or maybe you know someone who jumped into college because of family pressure, gathering loans for a degree they’re not even sure they’re into. It’s even tougher when they feel like they’re backed into a corner, unable to explore new career paths.

That’s where Bryan’s book, Unconformed, comes in. It’s a toolkit for preventing and overcoming that “stuck” feeling and exploring the many paths to success, no matter your age or life stage. With many stories about successful people from diverse backgrounds, this book offers a fresh look at learning and working.

Unconformed questions the whole “you need a college degree to succeed” mantra. It highlights the awesome value in tradespeople and artisans – real people who shape our world. This book focuses on the importance of lifelong learning and resilience rather than a diploma from a lofty institution. The best part? It will show you how to take advantage of real-world opportunities and get unstuck at any stage of life. Unconformed is your guide to becoming “unstuckable.”

I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about Bryan and his work. For a summary, just keep scrolling.

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484: The Surprising Science of High-Performing Teams with David Burkus

This week’s guest is making a repeat appearance (or should I say, “three-peat” appearance?). It’s been a while since his last visit, but I can say it is definitely worth the wait.

david burkus

His name is David Burkus. We previously chatted with David about his books Friend of a Friend and Under New Management.

His new book is called Best Team Ever! The Surprising Science of High-Performing Teams.

Talent, David says, doesn’t make the team—the team makes the talent. But why are some teams more motivated, innovative, and successful than others? Why do some groups of talented people fall short against lesser teams? And how do you go about building a high-performing team?

David understands that to build the best team, you must first shape the habits and practices that bring out the best in each member. Best Team Ever reveals what some of the world’s most effective teams do, and shows you how you can do the same.

Banish the frustration of having a team of talented people who can’t perform optimally. Discover how to develop a clear, concise understanding of how your team’s culture affects its performance. Follow this simple, practical blueprint to cultivate a Best Team Ever environment and set your team on a path to success.

I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about David and his work. For a summary, just keep scrolling.

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