I first heard Farnoosh Brock as a guest on the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast around a year ago.
I can distinctly remember being mesmerized by her demeanor and her outlook on life. Little did I know that I too would be chatting with her on my own podcast one day.
Farnoosh is an author, a digital media entrepreneur and an expert green juicer, and is the author of several books including The Healthy Smoothie Bible: Lose Weight, Detoxify, Fight Disease, and Live Long due out later this month (April 22nd).
Hear Our Conversation Now

Jeff Brown and Farnoosh Brock
Farnoosh Brock: Digital Media Entrepreneur, Author, and Expert Green Juicer
Click here to subscribe to the ‘Read to Lead Podcast’ via iTunes
In today’s episode, Farnoosh shares:
- How to put your health #1, even if its currently only an afterthought
- Why she believes writing is the essence of all wealth
- The importance of surrounding yourself with a group that will challenge and encourage you (Mastermind anyone?)
- The keys to living a multi-passion lifestyle (you don’t have to choose just one)
- And much more.
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If you desire more information about our soon-to-be-formed elite mastermind group open only to a select group of Read to Lead Podcast listeners, then simply send an e-mail to jeff@readtoleadpodcast.com and put “Mastermind” in the subject line. Shortly thereafter, you should receive an application for consideration.
Farnoosh Brock in Action
Why You Cannot Afford to Be Quiet at Work Meetings from Farnoosh Brock on Vimeo.
Farnoosh Brock Resources
Visit Farnoosh’s website for more on her speaking, coaching and writing.
You can preorder your copy of The Healthy Smoothie Bible: Lose Weight, Detoxify, Fight Disease, and Live Long by Farnoosh right now. Or go here
to see a complete list of her books on Amazon.
Farnoosh has also created several courses for those looking to make themselves invaluable to the companies they work for.
Farnoosh also referenced the website 750words.com as a valuable resource for writers.
Books and Authors Farnoosh Recommends
On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Fantasy Fiction Series by George R. R. Martin.
Connecting with Farnoosh
If you’d like to connect or network with Farnoosh, or let her know your thoughts on today’s episode, consider sending her a tweet. You can reach out to her via @ProlificLiving on Twitter.
You might also consider clicking the link below and tweeting it. I’ll notice it, thank you and tell my followers how wonderful you are. And Farnoosh just might do the same.
Click to tweet: Her Work Motto: “Be in love or don’t bother.” via @ProlificLiving. Today’s guest | Read to Lead Podcast | https://readtoleadpodcast.com/039
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Finally, thanks for listening and remember, “Leaders read and readers lead.”
Hear Our Conversation Now

Jeff Brown and Farnoosh Brock
Farnoosh Brock: Digital Media Entrepreneur, Author, and Expert Green Juicer
Click here to subscribe to the ‘Read to Lead Podcast’ via iTunes
Thank you SO MUCH for having me on your fabulous show, Jeff. I am so happy to meet another voracious reader and of course it has to do with success in business and life. Gracious to have been on your show. Thank you.
Thank YOU Farnoosh! I’m getting a lot of great feedback on the episode on Twitter and Facebook. So glad we were able to make it happen. If I can ever be of help to you in the future, please don’t hesitate to let me know.