222: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing with Dan Pink

Featuring Dan's new book, When

Today’s guest makes a return visit to the podcast, and I’m very excited about it because he is one of my all-time favorite authors.

I’m talking about multiple New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink.

daniel pink

Dan first appeared on Read to Lead over four years ago for Episode #028 to talk about his last book To Sell is Human. Read to Lead was only seven months old back then. Now, we’re almost five!

Dan is incapable of publishing a dud. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single book he’s written. His new book is no exception. 

It released in January and is called When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.

Dan distills cutting-edge research and data and synthesizes them into an incredibly fascinating narrative packed with irresistable stores and practical takeaways.

This book will transform how you think about your past, present, and your future.

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217: How the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, and Cultural Icons Achieve Success

With James Whittaker, author of Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy

Today’s guest has specifically addressed an issue that I’ve longed to see tackled but was never sure how to go about.

I’m talking about how to take a classic and loved-around-the-world book, and update it for today’s generations while still maintaining the integrity of the original.

james whittaker

Somehow, James Whittaker has managed to do just that with none other than the Napoleon Hill classic Think and Grow Rich.

The new book is Think and Grow Rich, the Legacy: How the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, and Cultural Icons Achieve Success. And, it’s been officially endorsed by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

Not only that, but James and his team have created an amazing film, all to impact new generations with Hill’s powerful message.

I’d say the book, and our conversation, is life-changing!

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210: 8 Steps to Launching Your Own Mastermind Group

Someone once said that, in the years ahead, you’ll be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.

That could not be more true for me and my life. You’re well-acquainted with my love for books and my belief in the dramatic impact intentional and consistent reading can have on one’s life.

jeff brown

You may be less familiar with the fact that, over the last five years, the books I’ve read coupled with the people I’ve chosen to surround myself with have been a boon to my business and personal life.

Today, I want to let you in on the other “secret” to my success. Mastermind groups!

Enter your first name and email address above to grab my free PDF on how to launch your own mastermind group. And for more insights, be sure and click the play button below on today’s episode.

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204: Finding Happiness, Focus, and Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are

with Free-Time Formula author, Jeff Sanders

It wasn’t that long ago that today’s guest found himself in the ER wondering whether he’d just suffered a heart attack.

This despite the fact that he was a marathon running, healthy eating, 32-years-young man. What in the world?!

jeff sanders

The good news for Jeff Sanders is it was actually something relatively minor (an esophageal spasm, accompanied by shortness of breath, according to doctors). This scary-at-the-time episode, it turns out, was brought on by overwork and stress.

Jeff’s body was trying to tell him something. It was time to make some dramatic changes. This is where you and I reap the benefits. Jeff has indeed made some major changes since then and learned that, while caffeine and little sleep work when it comes to getting things done, they only work temporarily. Then what?

That’s what Jeff and I spend the better part of our time today chatting about.

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Episode #196: 5 Steps to Achieving Your Most Important Goals

With Your Best Year Ever author Michael Hyatt

To say I’ve been anticipating sitting down with today’s guest for a long time would be a major understatement.

Since Read to Lead began back in mid-2013, Michael Hyatt has been on my short list of people to seek out. If you’ve ever read my About Page, you know his is among the names I’ve included as having influenced my personal growth and development over the years.

michael hyatt

He’s even responsible for helping me name the show, though he didn’t know it at the time. You see, it was Michael who I first heard say, “Leaders read and readers lead,” and “Leaders are readers.”

When I was trying to decide what to call this podcast I’d conceived, I remembered back to those quotes and quickly realized the show’s name was hidden in there somewhere.

Today, Michael is here to talk about a subject I believe he’s better-suited to speak on that just about anyone I know.  That subject is goal setting.

Michael’s new book, out today, is called Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals. In a word, it’s incredible!

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