248: 3 Books You Must Read to Make the Most of 2019

Grab free summaries of all three!

Today’s episode, the first of 2019, is special. I’ll be sharing three books I believe you must read if you want to make the most of 2019.

All three of these books have been featured selections in my members-only online book club – more on that later.

Two of these books have been featured right here on the podcast.

And one of them is my favorite book of 2018

jeff brown

Just for you, I’ve created written summaries of each of these books and am making them available to you absolutely free.

If you’re on my mailing list, they should already be in your email inbox. If you’re not on my list currently and you’d like to grab these free summaries, you can get them right now by entering your first name and email address below. 

Before we get to these special books, I want to give you a chance to try my online book club for just $1.

When you take me up on this you’re going to get access to all our content from the last two years – including many more book summaries and our virtual book chat recordings – and, you’ll have the chance to attend our January chat LIVE where we’ll be visited by the author of the book we’re reading together this month called Clarity Wins (which, by the way, deserves an honorable mention as a book you should read for a productive 2019).

Get access for 30 days for just $1 by clicking here. Then, at checkout, enter the discount code JAN19.

If after 30 days you don’t think it’s awesome, you can cancel – at which point me and all our current members will mourn your departure. 🙁

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232: Adopt These Digital Habits for a More Balanced Life

With Arlene Pellicane, author of Calm, Cool, and Connected

Today’s guest is a great example of someone who should have been on the podcast before now, and numerous times to boot.

To make up for my oversite though, Arlene Pellicane and I will touch on several of her books in our conversation today.

arlene pellicane

We spend the majority of our time discussing concepts from her 2017 offering called Calm, Cool, and Connected: 5 Digital Habits for a More Balanced Life.

Another of her books we discuss is Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World, a book she co-wrote with New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman.

More recently, Arlene released Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right.

She’s is a delight to talk to and will offer a number of strategies for helping you and your family live a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

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231: How to Go From Overwhelmed to Highly Efficient and Reclaim Your Life with Kris Ward

Author of Win the Hour, Win the Day

Today’s guest knows how to get attention. In a good way, of course.

She reached out to me recently with her compelling story that included a personalized video she created.

kris ward

Kris shared with me that she was inspired to write the book when the cards life had dealt forced her team to move forward without her leadership for a time.

The resulting book is called Win the Hour, Win the Day: Time Management for Small Business.

In it, Kris hopes to help teach you how to accelerate your business beyond your wildest dreams while reclaiming time for yourself.

Time management, she says, isn’t about going faster or being in a constant state of high activity. It’s not about being busy; it’s about being productive. Amen!

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229: Design Your Business to Run Itself with Mike Michalowicz

Author of Clockwork

By age 35, Mike Michalowicz had launched two multimillion-dollar companies.

Today he is the co-founder of Profit First Professionals, a membership organization of accountants, bookkeepers, and business coaches who teach the Profit First method.

mike michaelowicz

He is also the co-founder of the Provendus Group, a consulting firm that utilizes his business growth methodologies.

He is the host of the Profit First Podcast, he’s a globally popular speaker, and in addition to Profit First and several other books, he has written columns for the Wall Street Journal, Box Pro magazine, Entrepreneur, OPEN Forum, Harvard Business Review, and more.

In his new book, Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself, Mike asks, “Do you worry that your business will collapse without your constant presence?” If that’s the case, what if, instead, your business could run itself, freeing you to do what you love when you want, while it continues to grow and turn a profit?

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227: How to Revolutionize Your Career and Make Big Things Happen

With Derek Loudermilk, author of Superconductors

Three years ago this month, I had the privilege of appearing on The Art of Adventure podcast.

The host, Derek Loudermilk interviewed me about reading and podcasting (surprise!). Fast forward a few years and he’s leveraged what he’s learned interviewing fellow adventurers, and has turned that knowledge into a new book.

derek loudermilk

Derek has lead a pretty exciting life. He is a professional adventurer, polymath, bestselling author, publisher, speaker, digital nomad, business coach, father, Lord of Sealand, and host of The Art of Adventure Podcast

He’s also a former scientist and has a degree in biology. They don’t come any more well-rounded than this guy. 

Derek’s book is called Superconductors: Revolutionize Your Career and Make Big Things HappenIn it, he says the steady career path is a thing of the past: disruption is here to stay.

He continues that you need to be able to keep learning, growing and reinventing yourself to stay valuable in the midst of this change. Superconductors shows you how.

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