Today my guest is Rory Vaden, New York Times bestselling author of Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success.
His new book is Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time.
Unlike most productivity books, this one is not based around tips and tricks, tools and technology, or calendars and checklists.
For example, you will not read techniques like: create a schedule every week, determine your priorities, take a break every few minutes, do the hardest thing first, turn off your email while you are working on your computer, or any of the other “tired” techniques that nearly every article or book on “time-management” refer to.
Instead, you will read about the fascinating dynamics of how human emotions such as guilt, fear, pressure, and worry drive our decisions of how to spend our time each day. Most of all, you’ll learn how to manage those emotions to make different decisions about how to use your time. This book isn’t about what to do with your time; it’s about how to think differently about time.
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