My 4 Keys to Goal-Setting Success

Hint: It's Not as Hard as You Think

Studies show that if you regularly set goals, especially if you write them down, then you’re easily in the minority.

Many of those same studies show that those of us who do track goals are far more likely to experience a more satisfying and meaningful life. So, it begs the obvious question: Why don’t more people practice goal setting?

pencil and paper

I think one of the main reasons is most of us have been brainwashed to believe – often inadvertently – that life is something that happens to us, as opposed to something we have the ability to shape and impact.

Another reason goal setting isn’t practiced more widely is because of a common, goal setting misconception: It’s just plain hard.

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Episode #097: Finding Your Balance Point with Brian Tracy

Co-written with Christina Stein

Brian TracyI’ve had more requests about interviewing today’s guest that anyone else I can think of.

Brian Tracy is the author of more than 50 books! In addition to author, he is a speaker, and entrepreneur, business coach and a CEO. His goal is to help  you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

If you’re like everyone else, you have too much to do and too little time to do it. Problem is, that’s not going to change. Brian helps you get clear on what is really important so that you can spend more time doing the things that matter and less time on the things that don’t.

His latest book is his second co-written with his daughter Christina Stein. It’s called Find Your Balance Point: Clarify Your Priorities, Simplify Your Life, and Achieve More. It’s a delightful read and comes in at just 94 pages (more business books could benefit from brevity in my humble opinion).

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Episode #081: Smartcuts with Shane Snow [Podcast]

How Hackers, Innovators and Icons Accelerate Success

shane snowThe new book from today’s guest is one of my favorite to come along in a while. I honestly had no idea I would enjoy it as much as I did.

It wasn’t until after I’d read Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators and Icons Accelerate Success, the first but most certainly not the last book from Shane Snow, that I realized I was far from alone. Bestselling author Adam Grant calls it, “One of the most entertaining and thought-provoking books of the year.”

David Carr of the New York Times calls Shane, “A clear, beautiful writer who does not succumb to aphorism and business gobbledygook.”

In short, this is a narrative adventure that bucks common sense about success. Like computer hackers, a handful of innovators in every era use lateral thinking to find better routes to stunning accomplishments. Shane tells the stories of innovators who dared to work differently and lays out practical takeaways for the rest of us.

If you’re ready to “make a dent in the universe” and buck the norms doing it, this is  your book.

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Episode #080: Time Management Magic with Lee Cockerell

lee cockerellFor about as long as I can remember, I’ve been an early adopter.

Remember those things called PDAs? No, not that kind of PDA. Personal Digital Assistants. I was one of the first people I knew who had one. I got the strangest looks when I came into meetings tapping away on my new toy with that stylus thingy. But boy did I love it. Now, in a world of smartphones and apps, the PDA seems quite quaint.

It seems nearly everyone, myself included, wen all digital long ago. In fact, not since the year 2000 have I used an analogue system to keep track of appointments and to-dos. But, I must admit, not since the year 2000 have I felt truly organized. Mind you I’ve experimented with just about every productivity app there is. I’ve even tried to adopt iPad apps that mimic the appearance and feel of a traditional day planner. No matter what I’ve tried, I’ve eventually stopped using it. Every. Single. Time.

So, after finishing Time Management Magic: How to Get More Done Every Day and Move from Surviving to Thriving, the new book from today’s guest Lee Cockerell, I’ve decided to go back to using a traditional day planner for my day-to-day schedule, to-do list, notes, and more. I’m not foregoing digital systems entirely. My online calendars will continue to be central to my system. However, for me, and maybe for you, there’s just something about writing things down that makes a huge difference.

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Episode #072: Get BIG Things Done Through Connectional Intelligence with Erica Dhawan

erica dhawan

I have the pleasure this week of welcoming Erica Dhawan to the show.

Erica is the Founder & CEO of Cotential, a global consultancy that accelerates the connectedness of employees, teams, customers and clients.

Through keynote speaking, training and consulting, she teaches business leaders and companies innovative strategies to create increasing value for customers and clients, deliver sustainable results and ensure future global competitiveness.

She writes for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company and the Huffington Post. And, she is the co-author (along with Saj-Nicole Joni) of Get BIG Things Done: The Power of Connectional Intelligence.

Get Big Things Done provides the much needed answer to the yearning question of how to connect intelligently in today’s world, so that we can unleash our full human potential and accomplish remarkable results.

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