For about as long as I can remember, I’ve been an early adopter.
Remember those things called PDAs? No, not that kind of PDA. Personal Digital Assistants. I was one of the first people I knew who had one. I got the strangest looks when I came into meetings tapping away on my new toy with that stylus thingy. But boy did I love it. Now, in a world of smartphones and apps, the PDA seems quite quaint.
It seems nearly everyone, myself included, wen all digital long ago. In fact, not since the year 2000 have I used an analogue system to keep track of appointments and to-dos. But, I must admit, not since the year 2000 have I felt truly organized. Mind you I’ve experimented with just about every productivity app there is. I’ve even tried to adopt iPad apps that mimic the appearance and feel of a traditional day planner. No matter what I’ve tried, I’ve eventually stopped using it. Every. Single. Time.
So, after finishing Time Management Magic: How to Get More Done Every Day and Move from Surviving to Thriving, the new book from today’s guest Lee Cockerell, I’ve decided to go back to using a traditional day planner for my day-to-day schedule, to-do list, notes, and more. I’m not foregoing digital systems entirely. My online calendars will continue to be central to my system. However, for me, and maybe for you, there’s just something about writing things down that makes a huge difference.
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