Episode #195: Eight Keys to Achieving Your Goals

With Mark Schinnerer, author of The Success Grower

Today’s guest on the podcast has an amazing story. In fact, his writing a book was directly impacted by two previous Read to Lead authors.

His name is Mark Schinnerer, and an amazing leader I’ve had the chance to get to know over the last year or so as Mark is a member of the Read to Lead University book club.

mark schinnerer

His brand new book is called The Success Grower: Eight Down-to-Earth Elements for Achieving Your Goals. These eight concepts are laid out in the form of a business parable. I love learning concepts in this format, ala Og Mandino, Bob Burg and Andy Andrews. I think you will too.

In The Success Grower, you’ll meet Alan Morris, who’s starting to see his goal slip away. Without any real plan, other than working hard and putting in his time, his view of success is now changing. You’ll follow him on an accidental trip to a far where you and Alan together will discover the eight elelements for achieving success.

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Episode #193: The Best Book I’ve Read This Year

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy reading business and personal growth-type books because you understand the value of lifelong learning. You’re dedicated to your personal and professional growth.

I shudder to think that much of my 20s was spent spinning my wheels as I put a halt to learning.


the big leap

I remember thinking when I left college, “Awesome. All the learning is done. So glad I don’t have to do that anymore!”

School basically succeeded in teaching me not to enjoy the process. So much so I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Now? Well, you know the story. I read at least a book a week. Not because I have to, but because I enjoy it.

In fact, it was setting a goal of reading regularly that eventually lead to me launching Read to Lead. I was reading a book a week anyway. Why not share the process with everyone else? 🙂

Hear the summary below

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Read to Lead University Registration is Open!

Only 50 spots available!

I’ve got some great news. My exclusive book club, created especially for listeners of Read to Lead, has officially re-opened for only the second time.

I call it Read to Lead University.

There are only 50 spots available, and several of those spots have already been snagged by those who were on the standby list after our last open registration.

You’ll need to act fast, or risk missing out all together.

You may be thinking, “Why only 50 spots, Jeff?”

You see, limiting the number of people coming in at any one time, especially for a relatively new project like this one, allows me to truly super serve each member.

Being on the ground floor of something like this is a big deal, so I want to do all I can to make it special. Capping registrations gives me the ability to do that.


Here’s what you’ve missed – but have a chance to check out once a member…

Since launching the book club in late January to 50 charter members, we’ve read both Reach and Deep Work as a group.

In this short time, members were able to submit questions about Deep Work to the author himself, Cal Newport (and he graciously answered every last one)! The questions and his responses are posted in our members area.

Not only that, but Reach author Andy Molinsky joined us for our very first LIVE monthly book chat about his book! Yes, we recorded it. It’s in the members area AND, it’s AWESOME!

So, what all does your membership get you? Great question. Membership includes:

  • A personal invitation to our LIVE monthly, members-only book chats
  • The chance to build relationships with other members via our live, virtual breakout sessions
  • Access to all book chat recordings (even the ones held before you joined)
  • Access to on-going book- and reading-related resources
  • Entry into our private Facebook group for on-going discussions
  • A subscription to Read to Lead University magazine (our printable and downloadable monthly book summaries)
  • Accountability and encouragement toward your reading goals
  • Helpful strategies each month to ensure you take action on what you’re learning
  • A chance to ask questions of, and forward comments to, some of the authors whose books we’re reading.
  • And, yes, the chance to meet some of our authors through occasional visits to our LIVE book chats!

Sounds awesome, right? But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what current members are saying:

“If you want more meaning, more brain power and more fun in your professional development, you’ve just found it.” – Sherri G.

Right out of the gate we had an opportunity to hear directly from our first book’s author. It’s been very cool and I look forward to the other books this year. – Sovann P.

The group calls are fantastic! Read to Lead University has been a great investment in ME! – Sara H.

The member rate is just $25 per month. AND you should know that once these 50 slots are filled, membership will never be offered at this rate again.

I don’t expect these slots to last long so, if you’re in, make sure you join now by clicking this link:

===>> Read to Lead University Enrollment

You may be wondering, “Jeff, what books are you reading together next?” Great question.

Our April book is called The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington. Then, in May, we’ll be diving into Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One by Jenny Blake.

Put simply, I want to help you actually execute on what you’re learning through the reading you’re doing. That’s what Read to Lead University is all about.

Like my wife Annie wrote yesterday morning during her daily devotional time:

Knowledge is good, but there is a vast difference between knowledge (having the facts) and wisdom (applying those fact to life).

Let this community help you with “applying those facts to life.” I hope you’ll join us.

Episode #162: Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined with Scott Sonenshein

Author of the new book, Stretch

I’m not sure what it is exactly, but I seem to have a soft spot for books written by college professors. They’re some of my favorites in fact. 

Going all the way back to some of the early episodes of the show back in 2013, Wharton School professors like Jonah Berger and G. Richard Shell make appearances. More recently, Andy Molinsky  in episode 156 and, today’s guest, Scott Sonenshein, from Rice University. 

scott sonenshein

Scott’s new book is Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less – and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined.

Using compelling stories to illustrate research in areas like psychology and management, Scott digs into why some people and organizations succeed with so little, while others fail with so much.

Scott presents a powerful framework of resourcefulness that makes it possible for anyone to work and live better.

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Episode #146: Be Obsessed or Be Average with Grant Cardone

Today’s guest is unlike anyone I’ve ever had the chance to interview. 

Grant Cardone suggests that everything we’ve been told since we were young about success and wealth is essentially bunk. That burnout, and the need for time off and balance are all myths. He addresses this and more in his new book called, Be Obsessed or Be Average

grant cardone

Burnout, for example, is often felt only when someone else suggests you should. “You’d better be careful or you’re going to burn yourself out.” If you think the burnout is real, it really just means you’re no longer doing something you’re purposed to do. In other words, it’s time to move on to something else. 

And to the naysayers and haters, those who are going to be critical, envious, and even worse? Grant says they’re just people who have given up on their dreams and are simply spending their lives trying to get others to give up on theirs. Whoa!

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