One of the most generous people I know is the guy who makes a return visit to Read to Lead nearly four years after his first stop.
His name is Ryan Levesque and he’s the kind of guy that, on the day his new book releases, he decided to GIVE IT AWAY along with a couple of hundred bucks in bonuses.
That new book is called Choose: The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Own Business. Click that link and you only pay shipping ($7.95).
Ryan is throwing in a few hundred bucks in extras and a few surprises along the way as well.
See? Pretty generous, right?
He freely shares quite a bit of his knowledge in our conversation today also (we chatted for nearly an hour). If, after listening, you can’t get enough of Ryan (who can blame you), head on over to the Boss-Free Virtual Summit (before May 7) where Ryan is one of over 34 speakers on the topic of starting a business and being your own boss.
Join in on our chat below
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