Episode #145: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale

With Paul Smith, author of Sell With a Story

I’ll be the first to admit it. I missed the boat when the first book from today’s guest was released. 

It was (is) called Lead with a Story. I say “missed the boat” because I remember the book coming out and wanting to make time to dig into it for consideration for the show. But, unfortunately, that never happened.  

paul smith

All the more reason why my interest piqued when I first learned of Paul Smith’s latest book, released last month.

The similarly titled Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale, explains how stories work, when to use a story to move the sales process along, which ones to always have handy, and how to turn real-life experiences into stories that resonate.

After reading only the first third of the book, I’d already gleaned a number of great ideas to implement into my own business.

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Episode #143: How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate with Your Visual Mind

Featuring bestselling author Dan Roam

This week’s episode features a guest who made his first appearance when Read to Lead was in its infancy. 

Dan Roam is the author of no less than three of my favorite books. Back of the Napkin, Show and Tell (featured in Episode #041), and this week’s featured book, Draw to Win

 dan roam

In short, Draw to Win explains why you should draw, how to draw (it’s a lot easier than you think), and what to draw in order to lead, sell, innovate, train, or just figure things out on your road to success.

Dan will teach you how to use just seven basic shapes to explain just about anything to just about anyone.

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Episode #140: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life

With Kelly Roach, author and business coach strategist

My guest today has a track record of success at nearly every turn.

From being the youngest member of Philadelphia Eagles cheerleading squad her freshman year in college, to seven promotions in eight years working for a Fortune 500 firm, Kelly Roach contends that it all starts with mindset.

episode 140 banner

Mindset though is just the beginning. In her new book, Kelly lays out a no-nonsense plan to stop wishing and to start doing!

Kelly is now a business strategy coach, entrepreneur and author and has created for her and her husband and child exactly the life she’s always wanted.

In Unstoppable: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life she shows you how to do it too.  

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Episode #119: How to Write Copy That Sells with Ray Edwards

A Step-by-Step System

ray edwardsI always felt it was one day destined to happen. What’s that you ask? Why, a Ray Edwards sighting on the Read to Lead Podcast of course.

You see, Ray is someone I’ve admired for quite some time, so it was a delight to finally have the opportunity to share the Ray I’ve gotten to know with you. Ray’s background is in copywriting, In fact, he’s helped sell an estimated $100 million dollars in products and services, helping names like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield to name a few.

If you’re like most, you struggle with writing sales copy. If that’s you, then today’s show is going to be life-changing. Be sure and pick up a copy of Ray’s new book called How to Write Copy That Sells: The Step-by-Step System for Mores Sales, to More Customers, More Often.

To hear of conversation, just click the play button below.

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Episode #118: Build Your Business and Live Your Dream

Kimanzi Constable, co-author of Stop Chasing Influencers

Kimanzi ConstableIn the past 12 months since we last heard from Kimanzi Constable (Episode #069), he’s had some pretty amazing things happen.

He continues to write for ever more mainstream publications like The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, MindBodyGreen, Success and The Good Men Project. This, more than anything, has afforded him the opportunity to do more speaking and corporate training than ever. In fact, Kimanzi traveled over 100,000 miles last year, and expects to do even more this year as he visits Germany, Japan and many other places for the first time.

He calls it a lifestyle business. He loves to travel. Because of his hustle, he (and sometimes his wife) are able to travel together expense free, all while Kimanzi is getting paid a fee to boot. How awesome is that?

We talk about this and much more, including diving into his new book with Jared Easley called Stop Chasing Influencers: The True Path to Building a Business and Living Your Dream.

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