Episode #088: Dana Perino on Sharing the Credit, Taking the Blame and Exercising Forgiveness

Author, And the Good News Is: Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side

danaperino_navydress_22x200Former White House press secretary, Dana Perino, is one of my favorite human beings.

Known as “the voice of reason,” Dana has built a reputation as a woman who is able to find the bright side in nearly every situation.

In her new book, And the Good News Is: Lessons and Advice From the Bright Side, Dana shares about the impact her upbringing had on her approach to life as an adult, her time at the White House working alongside President Bush and, now, as co-host of one of cable TV’s most popular shows, The Five, airing weekdays on FoxNews.

There is a plethora of life and leadership lessons shared in the book AND in this episode. I have no doubt you’ll find it helpful.

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Episode #087: REEL Leadership: Five Leadership Lessons from Jurassic World

A Leadership Lessons from the Movies Series

I am excited to be a part of a summer 2015 Leadership Lessons from the Movies series along with a number of other bloggers and podcasters I consider friends.

It’s called REEL Leadership. Pretty clever, right? Each of us in the group has agreed to view one of the summer’s big blockbuster films and extract some of our favorite leadership takeaways.

Jurassic World Logo

They were kind enough to invite me to view the film Jurassic World. Below, you’ll find some of my leadership takeaways after seeing it last Friday at my local theater.

Below, I’m linking here to the films included in the series thus far, and will update this post as more blog posts and podcast episodes are added throughout the summer.

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Episode #086: Leading with Intention with Mindy Hall, PhD

Every Moment is a Choice

Mindy HallI am delighted to welcome today’s guest. Mindy Hall, PhD, has over 25 years of successful results and experience working with leaders in Fortune 50 companies.

In her new book, Leading with Intention: Every Moment is a Choice, Mindy says that leadership begins with self-awareness. You have the power, she says, to choose the impact you want to have.

Every interaction is an opportunity. Every action has an impact. Every moment is a choice.

Whether you’re presenting to an entire organization or talking one-on-one with a colleague – every interaction is a chance to influence and inspire others to achieve extraordinary results.

Your ability to do that, Mindy says, depends on two factors: 1) How aware you are of your impact, and 2) The care and discipline with which you choose your actions, day-by-day, moment-by-moment.

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Episode #082: One Bed, One Bank Account with Derek and Carrie Olsen

Better Conversations on Money and Marriage

derek olsenMy guest today is one half of the Olsen team otherwise known as Derek and Carrie.

These two have a very unique story; one that includes going through a short sale on a house in order to avoid foreclosure, while at the same time planning their wedding. Yikes!

Just a few years removed from that experience they are celebrating parenthood (their daughter is one year old), enjoying the distinction of having written a book together and –  having sold nearly all their possessions to purchase a travel trailer – roaming the country hosting meet ups with fans of their podcast and holding book signing events at local stores.

They are a couple that truly understands what it means to live life in the moment.

In One Bed, One Bank Account: Better Conversations on Money and Marriage, Derek and Carrie share their belief in open, honest and transparent communication on finances in marriage. It was this belief that equipped them to survive, among other things, that short sell.

They share their message of hope in their book, their podcast, and at live speaking engagements around the country.

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Episode #075: Cultivate Enduring Customer Loyalty with Noah Fleming

noah flemingMy guest today says loyal customers are the beating heart of of every great business.

In his book Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving, Noah Fleming asks why so many companies act like adrenalin junkies, chasing after new customers at the expense of creating deeper, more profitable relationships with the ones they already have?

Evergreen exposes the mad pursuit for what it is: a brief spike in metrics and an ongoing revenue drain, as one-time customers fail to return. A better solution is to shift resources from attracting new customers to engaging the base–the path to stable growth, season after season.

I found Noah’s book fascinating, and I think you will too!

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