Episode #097: Finding Your Balance Point with Brian Tracy

Co-written with Christina Stein

Brian TracyI’ve had more requests about interviewing today’s guest that anyone else I can think of.

Brian Tracy is the author of more than 50 books! In addition to author, he is a speaker, and entrepreneur, business coach and a CEO. His goal is to help  you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

If you’re like everyone else, you have too much to do and too little time to do it. Problem is, that’s not going to change. Brian helps you get clear on what is really important so that you can spend more time doing the things that matter and less time on the things that don’t.

His latest book is his second co-written with his daughter Christina Stein. It’s called Find Your Balance Point: Clarify Your Priorities, Simplify Your Life, and Achieve More. It’s a delightful read and comes in at just 94 pages (more business books could benefit from brevity in my humble opinion).

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Episode #096: How to Hire the Right People with Jim Roddy

Hiring Lessons, Interview Best Practices, and Recruiting Strategies

Jim RoddyIn my work in the corporate world for over 25 years (most of it in radio), one thing I feel I never quite got the hang of, let alone mastered, was the hiring process.

Now, I’ve hired my share of employees over the years but, for reasons I don’t fully understand, I received little if any training in this area. I never felt comfortable with the process, and relied on my gut instinct more than anything. In other words, I guessed.

Sometimes I guessed right, other times not so much. If only I had a manual to help walk me through the process step-by-step. Something that outlined the pitfalls to avoid, the questions to ask, the signs to look for.

Well, there’s good news for you. Jim Roddy has written that book. It’s called Hire Like You Just Beat Cancer. I know, weird title. But there’s a fascinating story that goes with it, and one you’ll no doubt enjoy and learn from. Click the play button below to join our conversation.

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Episode #092: The Strategy Mindset with Dr. Chuck Bamford

A simple, direct approach to understanding strategy

Dr. Chuck Bamford

This week’s guest is a man who, a week ago, I’d never even heard of (that’s one of the awesome benefits to hosting a podcast. I’m always meeting and getting to know new and exciting people).

His name is Chuck Bamford; Dr. Chuck Bamford to be exact. After 12 years in industry, he’s spent the last 20 years teaching strategy and entrepreneurship at the graduate,  undergraduate and executive levels. In fact, he has won numerous ‘Excellence in Teaching’ awards along the way.

The best part is, through his new book The Strategy Mindset, he’s here today to help you simplify the concept of strategy. If your company stinks at it, then you’ll be happy to know you’re not alone. Most companies do according to Chuck.

If developing and executing an effective strategy for your business has had you stumped, you’re in for a real treat. To join our conversation, just click the ‘play’ button below.

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Episode #091: 50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love and Life

Brave author Margie Warrell

margie warrellIf you desire to live with purpose, speak more confidently, work with more passion, increase your resiliency, bravely pursue your biggest dreams and ambitions, or all of the above, you’ve got to get this book.

In Part I of Brave: 50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love and Life (which by itself is worth the book’s price), Margie Warrell offers ten building blocks for living bravely. She then moves to offering practical advice for having more courageous conversations about things that matter in Part II. Part III speaks to leaning into risk and how to muster the bravery to do so more often. One of the best parts of the book are the memorable quotes (from both Margie and others) that are highlighted on nearly every page.

Part IV, called Dig Deep, speaks to the resiliency needed when life doesn’t go that way you hoped it would (which it never does, Margie argues). Finally, Margie dedicates Part V to sharing her best advice for pursuing your biggest dreams and ambitions.

Though 50 chapters long, with about 10 chapters dedicated to each section, none is much more than 4 or 5 pages in length. This makes it easy to jump to those areas you need the most help with. Best of all, never does it feel overwhelming. To hear our conversation now, simply click the play button below.

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Episode #089: How the Best Teams Deliver Results with Alan Foster

Power Score: Your Formula for Leadership Success

Alan FosterToday’s guest has co-authored the book that I wish I’d had when I was in the position to hire new employees.

Chapter 3 alone is worth the price of the book and includes a plethora of information on how to conduct effective interviews. Alan even wonders aloud why this isn’t covered in detail at the college level.

The new book is a Wall Street Journal bestseller and is called Power Score: Your Formula for Leadership Success. It lays out chapter by chapter how the best teams deliver results again and again.

I love it and I think you will too. To listen to the episode, click the play button below.

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