Episode #108: Choosing a Life That Matters with John Maxwell

Author, Intentional Living

John MaxwellEvery one of us wants our life to matter.

We each have an innate need, a longing, to be significant, to make a contribution, to do something noble and purposeful. We often, however, doubt that these things are within our reach.

So says the man most know as the #1 Leadership Expert in the world, and author Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters, John Maxwell.

John says that making an impact on the world doesn’t require you to be a certain age, have a lot of money, fame, or a big idea. In fact, the key to choosing a life that matters comes down to one word. Intentionality.

To join my conversation with John, simply hit the play button below. I know you’re going to get a lot out of it.

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Episode #106: How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life

...featuring Michael Port, author of Steal the Show

Michael PortWhether you realize it or not, you are a performer.

That’s right. We all are in fact. We’re performing every day of our lives: at work, at home, online, at dinner, and in virtually every other scenario in which we find ourselves.

For most of us, we do it without thinking. We naturally play our various roles without a moment’s thought toward our chameleon-like nature. It’s not that we aren’t being true to who we are. We just instinctively understand subconsciously that each of our roles requires us to emphasize different aspects of who we truly are.

So says Michael Port, today’s guest on Read to Lead.

Michael takes on this topic and more in his new book, Steal the Show…from Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches: How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life.

To join my conversation with Michael, simply hit the play button below.

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Episode #105: The Four Secrets of Passionate Organizations

with Mike Goldman, author, Performance Breakthrough

Mike GoldmanThe latest research suggests that only 29 percent of employees are truly engaged in the work they do.

That’s like an engine running at less than one third its power. How an your team reach its potential with that level of engagement?

Imagine your company instead with eight out of ten people truly engaged. What would this mean to your company’s productivity, morale, retention, and ability to recruit top talent?

Mike Goldman tackles these topics and more in the newly-released 2nd edition of his book Performance Breakthrough: The Four Secrets of Passionate Organizations. Told in story form, it’s a quick and fascinating read.

To join my conversation with Mike, simply hit the play button below.

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Episode #100: The Top 10 Leadership Lessons Learned After 100 Episodes

Featuring Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Dan Miller, Dana Perino and More...

jeff brownFirst off, let me say that the only reason I’ve been able to make it to 100 episodes is because you choose to listen. Thank you for being here each and every week.

It has been a real honor to have reached this milestone episode, but trust me when I say that narrowing this list to 10 of my conversations was about the single hardest thing I’ve ever done.

I’ve chosen my top 10 favorite moments, or lessons, from the first 100 episodes and count them down Casey Kasem-style.

If you have been helped personally or professionally from the wisdom shared here the last two-plus years, would you mind sharing this episode with your network. This episode should serve as a great slice of what the show has to offer.

Well, let’s get started. Without further ado, here they are (complete with time stamps). You can click the play button to listen. You can also scroll down to see the lesson shared and the author who shared it.

The Top 10 Leadership Lessons Learned After 100 Episodes

10: Invest in a career savings account. – Jon Acuff (3:15)

09: You cannot live to your full potential if you’re not surrounding yourself with people who are striving to live to their full potential. – Hal Elrod (6:10)

08: Don’t succumb to the curse of peripheral vision. – Todd Henry (7:39)

07: Don’t buy into the lie that grandiose ideas are reserved for a rare breed of people. – Dorie Clark (10:58)

06: Sometimes the best response you can offer as a leader…is no response at all. – Dana Perino (13:42)

05: Regarding mentors: “How do I find a mentor” is the wrong question to ask. – Jeff Goins (17:02)

04: Not knowing what you’re doing can actually aid you in doing it well. – Liz Wiseman (18:52)

03: Passion is not enough. – Chris Brogan (22:42)

02: It’s not what you know, it’s how fast you can learn. – Dan Miller (24:59)

01B: Stop thinking you have to please everyone. – Seth Godin (27:55)

01A: Do first. Believe second. – Seth Godin (29:56)

Episode #098: The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success with Bob Burg

Co-author of The Go-Giver

Bob BurgEven if you don’t recognize today’s guest by name, chances are the title of his book is one you’ve heard mentioned again and again the last several years.

Bob Burg is the author of a half a dozen books! He is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences. He regularly addresses audiences ranging in size from 50 to 16,000.

He’s shared the platform with notables including today’s top thought leaders, broadcast personalities, Olympic athletes and political leaders including a former United States President.

His best-known book is one he co-wrote with friend John David Mann and is a book that was originally released in 2007. It’s called The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea. It’s being re-released in a newly expanded edition and, at the time of this writing, is available for pre-order. It has, to date, sold over half a million copies and has been translated into 21 languages

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