Episode #127: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development

With Developing World Class Leaders author Rick Tiemann

rick tiemannSince 1971, when I was five, today’s guest has been helping organizations design and implement human capital solutions to create business value, build high-performance teams, drive change, manage organizational effectiveness, and improve return on investment in people.

And, if that weren’t impressive enough, he’s worked from the C-suite to the plant floor with both national and international organizations, places like Atlas Copco Compressors, Workiva, Printpack, Sysco Foods, Republic Services, Batesville Casket, and many more.

He’s also a sought-after keynote speaker and presenter on topics ranging from leadership to selection to coaching and more. He’s presented at many national conferences and conducted workshops and presentation at the national and regional meetings for numerous multimillion-dollar corporations.

Oh, and in his spare time, he writes books. He’s currently working on his third book. The book we discuss today is his second one, released in March. It’s called Developing World Class Leaders: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development.

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Episode #124: The Secret to Solving Your Toughest Sales Challenges

With Tim Sanders

tim sandersPrior to sitting down with Tim Sanders for the first time, I knew very little about him.

An earlier book he’d written, Love is the Killer App, was one I’d heard good things about but had not yet read.

In the case of Tim’s new book, Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges, many people I respected were talking about it in my Facebook and Twitter feeds. People like Chris Brogan, David Burkus and Michael Port among others. I knew I had to investigate and consider inviting him onto the show.

The topic of sales is not one that comes up on this podcast often. However, if my experience as a leader has taught me anything, it’s that everyone is essentially in sales now. Meaning, the silo’d days of old are over. In Dealstorming, Tim suggests that “one of your most important leadership missions is to overcome the bias against cross-departmental collaboration.”

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Episode #123: How to Effectively Lead Through Change

With Nancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez

Since the Read to Lead Podcast debuted back in July 2013, it has been a goal of mine to one day welcome author Nancy Duarte to the show.

I have long been a fan of her book Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations and, more recently, Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences. When I heard earlier this year that she had a new book coming out, I knew I had to work to get her on the show. The best part is, we not only get a chance to speak to Nancy, but we have the distinct privilege of welcoming her co-author Patti Sanchez as well.

Sanchez Duarte

In Illuminate: Ignite Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies and Symbols, Nancy and Patti equip with the same communication tools that great leaders like Steve Jobs, Howard Shultz (Starbucks), and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used to move people.

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Episode #122: 9 Simple Practices for Real Leadership

With John Addison

John AddisonIn addition to reading books, I have a handful of favorite magazines I subscribe to.

My short list includes Fast Company, Wired and Inc. However, my absolute favorite, and the one I only began subscribing to just three short years ago, is Success (hat tip to Dan Miller for recommending it). Our guest today was recently appointed Leadership Editor at Success and I am delighted to introduce him to you.

His name is John Addison, and his new book is called Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose. As co-CEO of Primerica – the largest independent financial services marketing organization in North America – from 1999 to 2015, John spearheaded the company through a period of rapid growth in the early 2000s.

In Real Leadership, he shares his straightforward practices for successful leadership through his personal and professional journey, helping leaders at any level understand and emulate the nine principles that fostered enduring results on his path to success.

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Episode #121: How Leading Organizations are Upending Business as Usual

With David Burkus, author, Under New Management

david burkusIf you’ve ever found yourself banging your head against the proverbial wall trying to convince those in positions of power where you work that it’s time to bust out of the norm, then I have found the ammunition you’ve been looking for.

It’s a new book called Under New Management: How Leading Organizations Are Upending Business As Usual. In it, author David Burkus attempts to challenge many traditional and widely accepted principles of business management and prove that many of them are outdated, outmoded, or simply don’t work any longer.

Should employees know each other’s salaries? Do open floor plans really work? Are annual performance reviews really necessary? These are just some of the beliefs Burkus challenges. Fascinating stuff.

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