Episode #138: Public Speaker Secrets with Michael Hudson

Proven Methods to Increase Your Impact

michael hudsonToday, my guest is someone who’s been on my radar for quite some time. 

His name is Michael Hudson. I’ve never met him face-to-face, however, because of a number of mutual connections, we’re “friends” on Facebook. 

Michael stood out to me in part because I saw him as someone who consistently contributed within my community. He’s was quick with a kind word or a helpful tip. He seemed to “spread good cheer” wherever he went.

So, when he sent me a short note mentioning he had a new book out (I believe it was on LinkedIn), I paid attention. The fact the book has the words Public Speaker Secrets in the title didn’t hurt either.

The full title of Michael’s new book is Public Speaker Secrets: 52 Proven Ways to Increase Your Impact Every Time You Speak! In it, he shares time-tested and proven lessons gleaned from over 30 years as a public speaker. If you’re looking to take your public speaking skills up a notch, click the play button below. 

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Jeff Brown with Michael Hudson

Public Speaker Secrets

Jeff Brown with Michael Hudson         Jeff Brown with Michael Hudson        
Public Speaker Secrets           Public Speaker Secrets          
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    FREE: Get My Presentation Toolbox Ebook

    It will dramatically improve your impact

    I’m excited to share with you what I think will be a valuable resource the next time you begin preparing for an important presentation.

    laptops, desk, men

    I call it My Presentation Toolbox. I created it to help remove the headaches of gathering and organizing your content, and to help you more easily design and deliver your slides.

    Jeff Brown

    FREE: My Presentation Toolbox

    Jeff Brown         Jeff Brown        
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      There are two ways to get it. If you’re reading this on your smartphone, the easiest way is to text the keyword “TOOLBOX” to 33444.

      Conversely, you can simply plug your first name and email address into the sign-up form in the upper right hand corner of this page.

      I’d love your feedback once you’ve had the chance to read through. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

      And here’s to you making your next presentation your best one yet!

      Episode #137: Change the Way You Lead Forever

      The Coaching Habit author Michael Bungay Stanier

      michael bungay stanierToday, my guest is the founder of a company called Box of Crayons, so you know it’s going to be fun. 

      His name is Michael Bungay Stanier, and he’s the author of several books including Do More Great Work and End Malaria, a book that has raised more than $400,000 for the cause. 

      Michael’s latest book gets the focus of our attention today. It’s called The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever! In it, Michael asks seven questions and shares the tools to make those questions an everyday way to work less hard and have more impact.

      Michael also hosts a fantastic podcast you should check out called the Great Work Podcast.

      Join in on our chat below

      Jeff Brown with Michael Bungay Stanier

      Change the Way You Lead Forever

      Jeff Brown with Michael Bungay Stanier         Jeff Brown with Michael Bungay Stanier        
      Change the Way You Lead Forever           Change the Way You Lead Forever          
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        Episode #134: How to Carve Out Creative Space

        With Amy Whitaker, author of Art Thinking

        amy whitakerUp until a few weeks ago, I’d never heard of Amy Whitaker or her new book.

        It’s awesome publications though like Success Magazine (I’ve been a subscriber since 2013) that have introduced me to new books and up-and-coming authors I might have otherwise missed. 

        Amy’s new book is Art Thinking: How to Carve Out Creative Space in a World of Schedules, Budgets, and Bosses, and it officially releases today, July 5, 2016. 

        Amy believes business thinkers can learn from artists and writers. To that Success Magazine says, “At a time when science, technology, engineering and math threaten to crowd the humanities out of American universities, Whitaker’s approach could not be more timely.” 

        Her book lays out a program for cultivating art thinking, and “how to leverage creative failure into progress, inventions, and new products or services.”

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        Jeff Brown with Amy Whitaker

        How to Carve Out Creative Space

        Jeff Brown with Amy Whitaker         Jeff Brown with Amy Whitaker        
        How to Carve Out Creative Space           How to Carve Out Creative Space          
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          An Encore and Ad-Free Presentation: A Conversation with Seth Godin

          What To Do When It's Your Turn

          seth godinThis is an encore and ad-free presentation of my conversation with Seth Godin, originally released in January 2015.

          It has been edited since its original publication and is better than ever. If you’ve never heard it, you must. But even if you have, I think you’ll agree it’s worthy of a repeat listen. Not because of me, but because of Seth.

          Since Seth and I first talked, he blogged about similar topics and even linked to Read to Lead in his post. Uh, yeah, I was thrilled to say the least.

          If you don’t know his work, Seth is the author of 18 bestsellers that have been translated into 35 languages. His latest is What to do When it’s Your Turn (and it’s Always Your Turn). He’s the founder of several companies, a member of the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and an influential speaker around the world.

          He writes about treating people with respect, the changing economy and ideas that spread. Mostly, he creates projects, many of which end up failing.

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          Jeff Brown with Seth Godin

          An Encore and Ad-Free Presentation

          Jeff Brown with Seth Godin         Jeff Brown with Seth Godin        
          An Encore and Ad-Free Presentation           An Encore and Ad-Free Presentation          
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