Episode #144: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want

With bestselling author Rachel Cruze

My guest this week is as effervescent and ‘glass half full’ as the come. 

Her name is Rachel Cruze, and she’s the daughter of one of the most respected and, in some circles, reviled money experts of our time. That would be Dave Ramsey. I happen to think he’s brilliant but, I’ll admit, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Letting that get in the way of hearing what Rachel has to say today though would be a huge mistake.

rachel cruze

Rachel co-wrote her first book, Smart Money Smart Kids, with her dad, a smart move that enabled her to be touted as a bestselling author for the launch of book two, her first solo endeavor.

In her new book, Love Your Life Not Theirs, Rachel shares her thoughts on the power of habits, and the need to leverage them for being smarter with your money.

The first one – Quit the Comparisons – is alone worth the price of the book.

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Jeff Brown with Rachel Cruze

7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want

Jeff Brown with Rachel Cruze         Jeff Brown with Rachel Cruze        
7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want           7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want          
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    Episode #143: How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate with Your Visual Mind

    Featuring bestselling author Dan Roam

    This week’s episode features a guest who made his first appearance when Read to Lead was in its infancy. 

    Dan Roam is the author of no less than three of my favorite books. Back of the Napkin, Show and Tell (featured in Episode #041), and this week’s featured book, Draw to Win

     dan roam

    In short, Draw to Win explains why you should draw, how to draw (it’s a lot easier than you think), and what to draw in order to lead, sell, innovate, train, or just figure things out on your road to success.

    Dan will teach you how to use just seven basic shapes to explain just about anything to just about anyone.

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    Jeff Brown with Dan Roam

    How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate with Your Visual Mind

    Jeff Brown with Dan Roam         Jeff Brown with Dan Roam        
    How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate with Your Visual Mind           How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate with Your Visual Mind          
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      Episode #142: From the Head to the Heart

      Becoming a Heart-Led Leader with Tommy Spaulding

      In the opening of his latest book, my guest today says “the journey to heart-led leadership covers only 18 inches, but it lasts a lifetime.” 

      That is, the distance from the head to the heart is just 18 inches. New York Times bestselling author Tommy Spaulding divides his new book, The Heart Led Leader, into 18 main chapters, each one focused on a different aspect of the journey and highlighting people and companies exemplifying heart-led leadership at its best. 

       tommy spaulding

      It begins, Tommy says, with asking these questions: Who are you? Who do you want to become? What do you want to be known for as a person and as a leader? And what is your leadership philosophy?

      This philosophy will serve as a compass to guide every action and decision.

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      Jeff Brown with Tommy Spaulding

      Becoming a Heart Led Leader

      Jeff Brown with Tommy Spaulding         Jeff Brown with Tommy Spaulding        
      Becoming a Heart Led Leader           Becoming a Heart Led Leader          
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        Episode #141: The 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living with Brian Holmes

        Grab his FREE course and profile!

        I had the chance to meet Brian Holmes at a recent 3-day event put on by former guest Ray Edwards called Copywriting Academy Live. 

        I was immediately impressed with Brian for many reasons, not the least of which was his friendly and inviting demeanor, his quite confidence, and his better-than-average listening skills (I always notice a good listener). 


        Brian mentioned he had just completed a new book. As he began to describe its contents, I was immediately intrigued. Though it is very unusual for me to extend an invitation to be on the show to someone whose book I haven’t yet read, inviting Brian seemed like the obvious thing to do. I’m VERY glad I did.

        In The 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living, Brian gives every person a proven system (a blueprint) for constructing the life they desire.

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        Jeff Brown with Brian Holmes

        The 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living

        Jeff Brown with Brian Holmes         Jeff Brown with Brian Holmes        
        The 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living           The 4 Cornerstones for Strategic Living          
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          Episode #140: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life

          With Kelly Roach, author and business coach strategist

          My guest today has a track record of success at nearly every turn.

          From being the youngest member of Philadelphia Eagles cheerleading squad her freshman year in college, to seven promotions in eight years working for a Fortune 500 firm, Kelly Roach contends that it all starts with mindset.

          episode 140 banner

          Mindset though is just the beginning. In her new book, Kelly lays out a no-nonsense plan to stop wishing and to start doing!

          Kelly is now a business strategy coach, entrepreneur and author and has created for her and her husband and child exactly the life she’s always wanted.

          In Unstoppable: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life she shows you how to do it too.  

          Click the play button below to join our conversation now. 

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          Jeff Brown with Kelly Roach

          9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life

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          9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life           9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life          
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