My guest this week is as effervescent and ‘glass half full’ as the come.
Her name is Rachel Cruze, and she’s the daughter of one of the most respected and, in some circles, reviled money experts of our time. That would be Dave Ramsey. I happen to think he’s brilliant but, I’ll admit, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Letting that get in the way of hearing what Rachel has to say today though would be a huge mistake.
Rachel co-wrote her first book, Smart Money Smart Kids, with her dad, a smart move that enabled her to be touted as a bestselling author for the launch of book two, her first solo endeavor.
In her new book, Love Your Life Not Theirs, Rachel shares her thoughts on the power of habits, and the need to leverage them for being smarter with your money.
The first one – Quit the Comparisons – is alone worth the price of the book.
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