Episode #152: How to Go from Blank Page to Published Author with Chandler Bolt

Author of "Published"

I am always delighted to welcome a previous guest back for another line of questioning. 

This time we get to hear again from Chandler Both. Chandler first visited us in Episode #070 of the show when we talked about his then new book called Book Launch.

This time around, Chandler is again out with a new book, this time called Published: A Proven Path from Blank Page to Published Author.

In this episode, I’ll ask Chandler to walk us through each phase of the publishing process, from idea development, writing, and editing, to choosing a title, putting together a launch team, and marketing your new book to success.

And, Chandler says you can do it all in under 90 days! What?!

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Episode #151: 3 Ways to Be a Leader Others Can’t Help But Follow

I’ve worked for my share of bad bosses. Truth is, I used to be one of them. 

Hard as it is to admit, my idea of leadership was once predicated on the idea that, as the leader, there was no one smarter on the team than me. Therefore, it stood to reason, the organization was best served by those under me simply doing everything I instructed. As long as that were the case, all would be well with the world.

How to Be a Leader

As a listener to this show, you know nothing could be further from the truth.

The best leaders understand how to leverage the collective brain power on their team. They actually encourage team members to, in addition to trying new things, to try new ways of doing old things.

It’s okay to be wrong. Right? As long as you take what you’ve learned and use it to your advantage next time.

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Episode #150: Leadership Lessons from the Marines

With Justin Constantine, author of My Battlefield, Your Office

Whether it’s a layoff, a fender bender, or a typical Monday, we’ve all had our share of bad days. 

I’m going to go out on a limb though and assume your worst day didn’t include being shot in the head by a sniper and nearly dying. But that exact scenario was indeed the worst day ever for today’s guest, former Marine Justin Constantine.

justin constantine

Justin nearly lost his life that day, but thanks to the efforts of some brave and quick-thinking soldiers, Justin has gone on to inspire thousands of people through his inspiration talks and his recent book.

That book is called My Battlefield, Your Office: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines.

In it, Justin shares how lessons from the military and, yes, even from the battlefield, can be applied to virtually any organizational structure.

Prepare to be inspired.

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Episode #149: 4 Business Books Every Leader Should Read

I relish the opportunity to appear on other podcasts. 

I enjoy sharing from my personal experiences – warts and all – and would like to think there are valuable lessons in those stories for others.

4 Must Read Business Books

As you might imagine, a question I’m asked in virtually every interview I say “yes” to, centers around what books for leaders are at the top of my list?

To me, asking to choose among my favorite books is akin to asking a parent to name which child they love the most. Alas, I can honestly say there are at least four over the years – books, not children – that have truly stood out. These are ones I often refer back to often in my coaching and mentoring of others.

Today, I’m excited to bring you the 4 business books which, in my opinion, are books that every leader should read.

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Episode #145: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale

With Paul Smith, author of Sell With a Story

I’ll be the first to admit it. I missed the boat when the first book from today’s guest was released. 

It was (is) called Lead with a Story. I say “missed the boat” because I remember the book coming out and wanting to make time to dig into it for consideration for the show. But, unfortunately, that never happened.  

paul smith

All the more reason why my interest piqued when I first learned of Paul Smith’s latest book, released last month.

The similarly titled Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale, explains how stories work, when to use a story to move the sales process along, which ones to always have handy, and how to turn real-life experiences into stories that resonate.

After reading only the first third of the book, I’d already gleaned a number of great ideas to implement into my own business.

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