Episode #188: How to Lead When You’re Not In Charge

With author Clay Scroggins

Sometimes when I come across an author whose book I’d like to feature on the show, I’ll just reach out on Twitter inviting them on.

It’s a great way to attempt to connect with an author I have no prior relationship with. Still, sometimes there is a response and sometimes not. In the case of Clay Scroggins, I got crickets.

clay scroggins

Don’t feel sorry for me, after all, he’s a busy guy (a pastor too, in fact). I knew that if it was “meant to be” it would eventually happen.

A short week or two later, I found myself on a flight home to Nashville from a conference in San Diego. It was on the second leg of my flight (a red-eye no less), that I found myself next to a young woman enjoying one of my favorite pastimes. Yep. Reading.

The next time she paused, I politely asked what it was she was reading. I suspected it was a business or leadership book based on the descriptions from the top corners of the pages. I could just make out things like “Lead Yourself” and “Think Critically” from the corner of my eye.

That’s when she closed the book to reveal…you guessed it. How to Lead When You’re Not In Charge. It was then I shared my desire to have the author on my podcast and asked if I could snap a quick photo of the cover. Let’s just say my next tweet caught Clay’s attention.

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Episode #186: Ending the Unconscious Habits that Hijack Your Business

With Ego Free Leadership co-author, Shayne Hughes

If you’ve been a member of the traditional workforce for any length of time, you’ve no doubt have come face to face with…ego.

Truth is, we all have. It’s just that sometimes, it’s our own. Ego, Shayne Hughes argues, is single-handedly working sabotage our businesses every day.

shayne hughes

Shayne and I discuss this topic in depth along with his book, co-authored with Brandon Black, called Ego Free Leadership: Ending the Unconscious Habits that Hijack Your Business.

I especially love how this book is structured, as it’s told from “two lively first-person perspectives.” The stories, all true, are woven quite effectively to help illustrate each of the authors’ points.

If you’re looking to break some bad and unconscous leadership habits, read this now!

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Episode #184: Alan Alda on The Art and Science of Relating and Communicating

From If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?

Over the course of my life, I’ve had the opportunity to interview and meet a lot of interesting and amazing people. It’s one of the many reasons I love it so much.

But if, when I started this project, you’d have told me I would one day interview today’s guest, I wouldn’t have believed it.

alan alda

I’m talking of course about the beloved American actor Alan Alda. Lucky for me (and for you) he’s written a book whose subject matter ties in quite nicely with a podcast like Read to Lead.

It’s a book all about the art and science of relating and communicating, something anyone who hopes to be successful has to do well.

There are plenty of bad examples around us of course. But, if you want to avoid being one of them, then today’s episode is for you.

I encourage to check out his latest book called, If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face?: My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating.

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Episode #182: The Top 10 Ways to Be a Great Leader

With Dr. Hans Finzel

I first met today’s guest at a conference and immediately suggested he needed to be a guest on the podcast. That was 2 years ago!

Well, better late than never, as Dr. Hans Finzel, president of HDLeaders joins us to talk about what he’s learned from over 30 years in positions of leadership.

hans finzel

His latest book (he’s written 10!) is called The Top 10 Ways to Be a Great Leader. In it, he shares his top 10 leadership principles with each principle combining to form the acronym L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P.

Hans and I talk about the role that listening and learning plays as a leader, his study of emotional intelligence over the last few years, communication, humility and much, much more.

At the time of this writing, the hard cover of the book is just $8 US and available at the links above and below.

Whether you’re new to leadership or you’ve been at it a while, you are bound to improve your leadership skills by reading this book.

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Episode #179: How to Become the Person Others Follow

With Joshua Spodek, author, Leadership Step by Step

There is no shortage of books that talk about leadership. Few, though, actually help you learn how to lead.

Fortunately for you and me, our guest today has not only taken on the challenge of solving this problem, he’s done so quite successfully. I’m talking about Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow.

joshua spodek

The key, Joshua says, is practice. It’s the discipline that turns abstract concepts into useful tools.

Joshua’s book walks you through what to do and how to do it in an integrated and comprehensive progression of exercises that are designed to cultivate key abilities, behaviors, and beliefs through experience.

Exercises throughout help you accomplish the inner work and gain the social skills required for great leadership. In short, you’ll learn to:

  • Build self-awareness
  • Manage emotions
  • Speak in your authentic voice
  • Create meaningful connections
  • Inspire others
  • Lead with empathy
  • Support teammates

Leadership Step by Step will start you on the road to success.

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