Sometimes when I come across an author whose book I’d like to feature on the show, I’ll just reach out on Twitter inviting them on.
It’s a great way to attempt to connect with an author I have no prior relationship with. Still, sometimes there is a response and sometimes not. In the case of Clay Scroggins, I got crickets.
Don’t feel sorry for me, after all, he’s a busy guy (a pastor too, in fact). I knew that if it was “meant to be” it would eventually happen.
A short week or two later, I found myself on a flight home to Nashville from a conference in San Diego. It was on the second leg of my flight (a red-eye no less), that I found myself next to a young woman enjoying one of my favorite pastimes. Yep. Reading.
The next time she paused, I politely asked what it was she was reading. I suspected it was a business or leadership book based on the descriptions from the top corners of the pages. I could just make out things like “Lead Yourself” and “Think Critically” from the corner of my eye.
That’s when she closed the book to reveal…you guessed it. How to Lead When You’re Not In Charge. It was then I shared my desire to have the author on my podcast and asked if I could snap a quick photo of the cover. Let’s just say my next tweet caught Clay’s attention.
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