Episode #195: Eight Keys to Achieving Your Goals

With Mark Schinnerer, author of The Success Grower

Today’s guest on the podcast has an amazing story. In fact, his writing a book was directly impacted by two previous Read to Lead authors.

His name is Mark Schinnerer, and an amazing leader I’ve had the chance to get to know over the last year or so as Mark is a member of the Read to Lead University book club.

mark schinnerer

His brand new book is called The Success Grower: Eight Down-to-Earth Elements for Achieving Your Goals. These eight concepts are laid out in the form of a business parable. I love learning concepts in this format, ala Og Mandino, Bob Burg and Andy Andrews. I think you will too.

In The Success Grower, you’ll meet Alan Morris, who’s starting to see his goal slip away. Without any real plan, other than working hard and putting in his time, his view of success is now changing. You’ll follow him on an accidental trip to a far where you and Alan together will discover the eight elelements for achieving success.

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Episode #194: Leadership from the Inside Out with Kevin Cashman

My guest today has been involved in the leadership space for the better part of 40 years now. It’s a wonder I’ve taken this long to get around to having him on.

Please join me in welcoming Kevin Cashman to the podcast.

kevin cashman

He’s the author of the award-winning The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward, and the international bestseller, now in its third edition, Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life.

In Leadership from the Inside Out, Kevin offers new research, stories, exercises, practices, and chapters to help leaders develop eight mastery areas that foster heightened awareness, courage, character, authenticity, purpose, agility, service and contribution.

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Episode #193: The Best Book I’ve Read This Year

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy reading business and personal growth-type books because you understand the value of lifelong learning. You’re dedicated to your personal and professional growth.

I shudder to think that much of my 20s was spent spinning my wheels as I put a halt to learning.


the big leap

I remember thinking when I left college, “Awesome. All the learning is done. So glad I don’t have to do that anymore!”

School basically succeeded in teaching me not to enjoy the process. So much so I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Now? Well, you know the story. I read at least a book a week. Not because I have to, but because I enjoy it.

In fact, it was setting a goal of reading regularly that eventually lead to me launching Read to Lead. I was reading a book a week anyway. Why not share the process with everyone else? 🙂

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Episode #191: How to Lead with Gratitude

With Ambition author Seth Buechley

I first met today’s guest just about two months ago at a conference in my hometown of Nashville.

Little did I know that our lunch together would turn into an ongoing discussion that would lead to learning more about his amazing life, business, and book, a conversation that would eventually lead me to invite him to sit in the guest chair.

seth buechley

Seth will be the first to admit he’s made mistakes. He holds nothing back as many of them are front and center inside his book.

But he’s also been a super successful businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He even helped one company grow to nearly 60 million dollars in revenue before selling it.

He now consults companies all over the US, helping leaders learn the lessons he’s gleaned over the years, many of them the hard way. At the center of it all is GRATITUDE, he says.

In fact, his book called is called Ambition: Leading with Gratitude. I think you’re going to love it.

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Episode #190: High-Stakes Leadership with Constance Dierickx

Leading through Crisis with Courage, Judgement, and Fortitude

Prior to interviewing her for this episode, I’d never interacted with Constance Dierickx before.

I learned during our time together that, not only is she a master of her craft, she’s also a hoot! That’s right. I don’t remember the last time I laughed during an interview as much as I did this one.

Constance Dierickx

I’ve no doubt Constance it quite jovial most of the time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her humor and relaxed nature was aided by the view she enjoyed as we chatted (more on that inside the episode).

She’s also straightforward and direct. And in this interview, she shows us why successful leaders are those who are experts in their ability to lead effectively in times of dramatic change and great risk.

Her three-part model illuminates the need for Courage, Judgement, and Fortitude when making tough decisions, taking an unpopular stance, or ignoring convention.

Her latest is a book called High-Stakes Leadership: Leading Through Crisis with Courage, Judgement, and Fortitude.

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