207: How to Take Your Startup From Idea to Empire

With author and Inc. columnist Colleen DeBaise

You no doubt know that I read. Like, a lot. At least a book a week anyway.

You may not know, however, that I spend time not just reading books, but also a handful of trusted sources in the magazine world.

colleen debaise

My favorites include Success, Wired, Fast Company and Inc.

Today’s guest, in fact, is a contributing editor at Inc. magazine, as well as a podcast host (The Story Exchange). She authored The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook and the book being featured today.

That one is called, Start a Successful Business: Expert Advice to Take Your Startup from Idea to Empire.

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206: How to Take Charge of Your Brain and Program More Happiness Into Your Life

With Ellen Petry Leanse, author of The Happiness Hack

If no one ever told you, you may not have realized what a tremendous networking tool hosting a podcast can be. Especially an interview-driven one like Read to Lead.

It’s thanks in no small part to a young gentleman named Clark Buckner that you’re hearing this episode today. Clark was kind enough to recommend, and then introduce me to our guest.

ellen petry leanse

Her name is Ellen Petry Leanse, and she is the author of a recent book called The Happiness Hack: How to Take Charge of Your Brain and Program More Happiness Into Your Life.

Ellen contends that we have more control over our minds than we think. Read her book, and check out our conversation, to learn how you can “train your brain” to create the life and future you want.

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205: How to Achieve Success, Create Balance, and Experience Fulfillment

With Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T. Grimes

Later this week, the world will celebrate International Women’s Day. What’s that you ask?

In short, it’s a “strong call to #PressforProgress motivating and uniting friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.”

What better way to celebrate and observe this day than to welcome to the show two internationally successful businesswomen, each with about 30 years of real world of experience.

Paula and Lisa

As it turns out, they have a brand new book out this week as well. It’s called Remember Who You Are: Achieve Success, Create Balance, Experience Fulfillment.

They are Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T. Grimes, former competitors turned colleagues, friends and, eventually, co-owner so Habergeon, they consulting company.

I hope you’ll join us as we dive into success, balance, and fulfillment. Oh, and to enter to win a copy of their new book, share the tweet embedded below, and leave a comment at the bottom of this post as to why you’d like a copy. The answer I deem most compelling will win. 😉

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203: How to Leave a Legacy (a Tribute to My Father)

Born January 14, 1937 | Passed away February 12, 2018

Monday, February 12, I got the phone call everyone dreads. My father, aged 81, had passed away in his sleep that morning.

What I’ve learned since my father’s passing was the incredible impact he had on everyone he encountered. I knew him as a generous, kind, compassionate and loving man. What I failed to realize was how far his well-lived life managed to reach.

jeff brown

In the week since his passing, the stories continue to come in. What particularly intrigues me is the impact he had on my childhood friends. People who remember his impact decades later; enough to want to pay their respects and share their memories. It’s been nothing short of amazing.

This episode is my feeble attempt to convey what I believe to be the secret to legacy. Every little action we take individually is just that. Little.

However, as they accumulate over the course of our lives, they compound. As they do, their impact grows exponentially.

Take any single day from my dad’s life, and you’ll see ordinary. The accumulation of those days, however, is nothing short of extraordinary.

I invite you to join me as I honor my dad.

201: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future

With Skip Prichard, author of The Book of Mistakes

I’d heard the name before. In fact, we are even “connected” – whatever that means – on several social media platforms.

But, when former Read to Lead guest Kary Oberbrunner asked if I’d like an introduction to Skip Prichard, I said “absolutely!” I mean, I knew Skip, but I didn’t really KNOW him.

skip prichard

That introduction led to Skip and I chatting about his latest book and a potential spot on the show. You and I are the beneficiaries of that generous introduction by Kary. Skip’s book has quickly become a favorite of mine.

It’s a business parable, a la Pat Lencioni, Og Mandino, Bob Burg, Andy Andrews or Mark Schinnerer. And, it’s one of my favorite business parables in some time. I absolutely loved it and I think you will too. It comes out today and is called The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future.

The book takes you on a rather inspiring journey that follows an ancient manuscript with powerful lessons inside; lessons that will transform your life.

I hope you sit in with us as we discuss Skip’s book together.

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