217: How the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, and Cultural Icons Achieve Success

With James Whittaker, author of Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy

Today’s guest has specifically addressed an issue that I’ve longed to see tackled but was never sure how to go about.

I’m talking about how to take a classic and loved-around-the-world book, and update it for today’s generations while still maintaining the integrity of the original.

james whittaker

Somehow, James Whittaker has managed to do just that with none other than the Napoleon Hill classic Think and Grow Rich.

The new book is Think and Grow Rich, the Legacy: How the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, and Cultural Icons Achieve Success. And, it’s been officially endorsed by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

Not only that, but James and his team have created an amazing film, all to impact new generations with Hill’s powerful message.

I’d say the book, and our conversation, is life-changing!

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215: The 5-Step Blueprint to Getting a Seat on the Executive Team

With author Greg Layton

I first met today’s guest just a few weeks ago via Skype. He was looking for a podcast coach and mentor, someone who could help him take his show to yet another level.

His name is Greg Layton, and I immediately liked his drive and his demeanor. I also appreciated that, when scheduling our meeting, he took the time to ask for my mailing address. What I didn’t know was that he was sending me a book. It’s the book being featured on today’s episode.

greg layton

That book is called Chief Maker: The 5 Step Blueprint for Rising Above the Pack and Getting a Seat on the Executive Team.

In it, Greg shares what they don’t teach you in business school about becoming a high-impact, Chief-level executive.

His 5-step plan is a roadmap for any senior manager who wants to rise above the politics and overload of the corporate world and master their profession.

It’s more than about securing a promotion though. It’s about taking command and becoming the Chief Executive of your life. Ready to leave your unique mark on the world? Scroll down.

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214: How to Break Free From the Trap of Success

With author Gene Hammett

Imagine starting your day thinking you were going to close a deal that would net you $1 Million, only to see the deal fall through in the eleventh hour, costing you $3 Million.

In 2010, that very thing happened to today’s podcast guest. His name is Gene Hammett. Since that time he’s managed to not only get back on his feet but coach numerous companies and their CEOs onto the Inc. 5000.

gene hammett

He released a new book late last year called The Trap of Success: A Brutally Candid Guide to Overcoming Your Fears, Finding Significance, and Attaining Profound Success.

In it, Gene shares the stories of real people who have faced moments of choice that caused them to dig deep, find their courage, and create a life and career of meaning.

He illustrates how significance and exponential success dance together once you get past the limited thinking that got you this far—once you escape your own trap of success.

If it’s the kind of success that comes with lasting significance that you’re looking for, then you’ve come to the right place.

For a list of links and resources Gene and I discuss in this episode, simply keep scrolling.

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211: How Hidden Networks Can Transform Your Life and Career

With Friend of a Friend author David Burkus

Not many people can claim to have delivered a TED Talk that’s been viewed millions of times. Today’s guest, however, can do exactly that.

His name is David Burkus, and this episode marks his second appearance on the podcast. Here’s hoping David’s TED Talk mojo will rub off.

david burkus

His new book is called Friend of a Friend: Understanding The Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career and, in it, he argues that the best way to grow your network isn’t by introducing yourself to strangers at cocktail parties, handing out business cards, or signing up for the latest online tool.

Instead, he insists you develop a better understanding of the existing network that’s already around you.

Forget the outdated advice you’ve already heard, David says. Learn how to make use of the hidden networks you already have. In his book, and in today’s episode, we attempt to help you do just that.

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210: 8 Steps to Launching Your Own Mastermind Group

Someone once said that, in the years ahead, you’ll be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.

That could not be more true for me and my life. You’re well-acquainted with my love for books and my belief in the dramatic impact intentional and consistent reading can have on one’s life.

jeff brown

You may be less familiar with the fact that, over the last five years, the books I’ve read coupled with the people I’ve chosen to surround myself with have been a boon to my business and personal life.

Today, I want to let you in on the other “secret” to my success. Mastermind groups!

Enter your first name and email address above to grab my free PDF on how to launch your own mastermind group. And for more insights, be sure and click the play button below on today’s episode.

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