224: 7 Simple Steps to Doing Work You Love

With Christine McAlister, author of The Income Replacement Formula

It’s here! It’s actually here! With this episode, Read to Lead officially turns FIVE!

I’m delighted to say that today’s guest is worthy of such a special episode. 🙂 Her name is Christine McAlister.

christine mcalister

Christine is the founder of Life With Passion, a company that helps high-achieving and motivated entrepreneurs use their unique gifts in order to make the leap to working for themselves.

After a few entrepreneurial ventures – a history that includes founding companies in marketing, agriculture, and household products – Christine experienced the worst tragedy a parent can imagine, after which she realized she needed to allow herself to do and be more.

Since then, she’s managed to smash through fear, self-doubt, and other obstacles that were holding her back from sharing her true gifts with the world.

Her book explores that journey and lays out a step-by-step process for how you can do the same. It’s called The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Simple Steps to Doing What You Love & Making Six Figures From Anywhere.

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222: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing with Dan Pink

Featuring Dan's new book, When

Today’s guest makes a return visit to the podcast, and I’m very excited about it because he is one of my all-time favorite authors.

I’m talking about multiple New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink.

daniel pink

Dan first appeared on Read to Lead over four years ago for Episode #028 to talk about his last book To Sell is Human. Read to Lead was only seven months old back then. Now, we’re almost five!

Dan is incapable of publishing a dud. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single book he’s written. His new book is no exception. 

It released in January and is called When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.

Dan distills cutting-edge research and data and synthesizes them into an incredibly fascinating narrative packed with irresistable stores and practical takeaways.

This book will transform how you think about your past, present, and your future.

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220: Communication Secrets to Get From Good to Great

With bestselling author Carmine Gallo

This week’s guest is the kind of guest that makes other authors go all giddy. Seriously.

Last time he was on the show, Carmine Gallo had one New York Times bestselling author telling every speaker he knew about one of Carmine’s past books.

carmine gallo

In his new book called Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get From Good to Great, Carmine breaks down Aristotle’s ancient formula of persuasion to inspire us.

As the nature of work changes and technology carries things across the globe in a moment, communication skills become more valuable – not less.

When people express their ideas effectively, Carmine says, they’re more likely to win dream jobs, sell products, build brands, and trigger movements.

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219: How Successful Leaders Turn Innovation Challenges Into New Value Frontiers

With author Alice Mann

Whereas last week’s guest just published his fifteenth book, this week’s guest happens to be a first-time author.

It has been a lifelong dream and about three years in the making for Alice Mann, and her new book is an amazing accomplishment! (Want to publish your own book in less than 90 days? Keep reading.)

alice mann

Alice is the founder of Mann Advisors. She’s also a Senior Consultant at Kates Kesler Organization Consulting, a Forbes.com Leadership Columnist, and Lecturer at Columbia University.

Her new book is called Future First: How Successful Leaders Turn Innovation Challenges Into New Value Frontiers.

Alice’s book is a practical guide for any business leader who wants to build, expand or reinvent their company by finding new value in global challenges. 

Through real-life business examples ranging from Nike to Opower, she lays out how to identify and adopt the future first leadership mindset and business capabilities required to achieve lasting and integrated performance results.

Alice argues that successful partnerships and alliances among big global companies and small mission-driven ones can reshape the global ecosystems of apparel, food, and energy, and remake the future of our world.

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218: Revolutionize How You Work with The Fun Formula

With author Joel Comm

I’ve known of today’s guest for several years. In fact, he’s now written 15 books in all.

How, then, has it taken me 5 years into the show to invite him on? So many books, so little time I guess. But, better late than never.

joel comm

Worth the wait? Absolutely!

Not only is Joel Comm a super-fun and down-to-earth guy, but I discovered that we both have quite a bit in common (more on that during the show).

Speaking of fun, his new book is called The Fun Formula: How Curiosity, Risk-Taking and Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work.

In it, Joel reveals that the best path to success – in both work and in life – is to focus on our passions, curiosity, and the things that bring us great pleasure.

In short, The Fun Formula lays out a plan for making the subtle changes to our thinking and routines that will enable us to design th elife we truly desire: one of significance and joy.

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