246: Leader by Choice? Yes, says Andres Valdes

7 Decisions That Spark Your Purpose, Passion, and Perseverance

Imagine growing up and being surrounded by more negative influences than you can count. Do you resign yourself to your circumstances or do you believe you have the power to change your life’s trajectory?

Today’s guest is the perfect example of someone who defied the odds mostly by choosing a different story for his future.

andres valdes

His name is Andres Valdes and he’s here today to share his experiences, both on the show, and in his new book called Leader by Choice: 7 Decisions That Spark Your Purpose, Passion, and Perseverance.

If you’re not happy with the “cards you’ve been dealt,” then this episode is especially for you. Scroll down for more.

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244: Building a Successful Business Through Faith in People and a Culture of Hospitality

With Author Cameron Mitchell

I was reluctant at first when I became aware of the book I’m featuring on today’s show.

I wasn’t convinced there was much for me to learn about business from someone running a successful restaurant company.

cameron mitchell

Call me narrow-minded, but I had doubts about whether the success traits in what I see as a cutthroat industry could possibly be universal. Boy, was I wrong.

Today, author and restaurant success story, Cameron Mitchell, visits the guest chair to discuss his brand new book Yes is the Answer. What is the Question?: How Faith in People and a Culture of Hospitality Built a Modern American Restaurant Company.

Cameron succeeded against all odds, having dropped out of school and run away from home as a teenager. His story is truly a “dish room to boardroom” tale.

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243: Success in Business Begins with Clarity

With Clarity Wins Author Steve Woodruff

Just a few weeks ago, I’d never even heard of today’s guest. It’s amazing how fast you can take to someone else’s message when it’s delivered in the right way.

That is certainly the case for Steve Woodruff, the King of Clarity, and my guest today on the show.

steve woodruff

In a world filled with noise and distraction, the secret weapon any business can use to break through, Steve says, is CLARITY: Clarity of strategy (leading to focused direction), and clarity of messaging (leading to sales and referrals).

Clarity Wins: Get Heard. Get Referred is a proven handbook to create competitive advantage in any marketplace. You don’t have to spend a million dollars to rise above the noise and grow referrals. You just need to learn how to be clear.

Listening to this episode will ensure you’re headed in the right direction!

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242: Building Atomic Habits with James Clear

Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results

I first met today’s guest in September 2015 as he and I sat together on a panel at the first-ever Tribe Conference put on by mutual friend Jeff Goins.

His name is James Clear, and he is best known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be readily applied to daily life and work.

James Clear

I love that, in this New York Times bestseller, he draws on ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible.

That new and bestselling book is called Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones (Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results).

It’s going to reshape the way you think about progress and give you the tools and techniques you need to transform your habits and achieve a success that lasts.

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241: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of Isolation

With Back to Human author Dan Schawbel

Making a return visit to the show this week is three-time author Dan Schawbel.

Dan last made an appearance a long, long time ago. In fact, it was Episode #010 when Read to Lead was barely two months old.

dan schawbel

This time, Dan is here to teach us how to better create team and organizational connections in a world where technology is isolating us at home and at work.

His new book is called Back to Human: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of Isolation. In fact, the book debuts today.

Dan’s book will help you discover how the next generation of leaders can create a workplace where teammates feel genuinely connected, engaged, and empowered, without relying on technology.

There is a lot of research and exclusive studies that went into the the insights you’ll find here. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy via the link above today.

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