Don’t be tempted to underestimate the power of culture.
Even if its primary impact is to make a profit, every business impacts its workforce, the community in which it resides, and society at large through its branding, products, or services.
My guest today, Claudette Rowley says, take the iPhone for example. Although it’s only one product, Apple’s culture changed the way we look at technology, how we communicate, and how we view the role of smartphones in our lives.
Her brand new book is called Cultural Brilliance: The DNA of Organizational Excellence.
In it, she offers you a step-by-step guide to intentionally assessing, designing, and integrating cultural change that’s iterative, each success building on previous successes.
The result is a company that continues to evolve in ways that decrease stress, inspire learning, and promote organizational health.
I hope you’ll check out the episode for more. And make sure you subscribe (links below).
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