252: Cultural Brilliance is the DNA to Organizational Excellence

With author Claudette Rowley

Don’t be tempted to underestimate the power of culture.

Even if its primary impact is to make a profit, every business impacts its workforce, the community in which it resides, and society at large through its branding, products, or services.

claudette rowley

My guest today, Claudette Rowley says, take the iPhone for example. Although it’s only one product, Apple’s culture changed the way we look at technology, how we communicate, and how we view the role of smartphones in our lives.

Her brand new book is called Cultural Brilliance: The DNA of Organizational Excellence.

In it, she offers you a step-by-step guide to intentionally assessing, designing, and integrating cultural change that’s iterative, each success building on previous successes.

The result is a company that continues to evolve in ways that decrease stress, inspire learning, and promote organizational health.

I hope you’ll check out the episode for more. And make sure you subscribe (links below).

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251: How Lasting Change Can Happen in an Instant

With author James Fell

If you read my About page, you’ll see that one of my goals is to help you transition from the things you’d like to do, to actually doing them.

As the page reads, “to help you go from intention to implementation.”

james fell

In today’s featured book, author James Fell desires to help you do the same, but by showing it’s possible to skip the hard part and go directly from intention to committed action. Say what?!

This new book, out today, is called The Holy Sh!t Moment: How Lasting Change Can Happen in an Instant.

James says significant life change doesn’t often come from just putting one foot in front of the other, carefully observing and altering habits, slogging through baby steps toward new behavior.

No! The research, he says, reveals that serious life turnaround usually happens in a moment, with a flash of inspiration. Epiphany arrives like a lightning strike, rapidly shifting the recipient of such enlightenment onto a new path that creates a better life.

Check out  the episode for more. And make sure you subscribe (links below).

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250: Redesign Your Business to Work Less, Earn More and Be Free

With The Freedom Plan Author Natalie Sisson

This week on the podcast, I’m fortunate to again welcome a returning guest, someone I think is simply an awesome individual.

Her name is Natalie Sisson, and you’d have to go all the way back to Episode #023 to hear our first chat together. Hard to believe it’s been over 5 years.

natalie sisson

Natalie’s new book is one I’m learning a lot from, and I believe you will too, especially if you’re attempting to run your own business, or you plan to one day.

It’s called The Freedom Plan: Redesign Your Business to Work Less, Earn More and Be Free. In it, you’ll learn exactly how and what you need to create your own unique freedom plan that allows you to do the work that matters, that gives you purpose and puts a dent in this world–all while living your perfect day, every day.

Just click the play button below to listen now. And make sure you subscribe (links below).

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248: 3 Books You Must Read to Make the Most of 2019

Grab free summaries of all three!

Today’s episode, the first of 2019, is special. I’ll be sharing three books I believe you must read if you want to make the most of 2019.

All three of these books have been featured selections in my members-only online book club – more on that later.

Two of these books have been featured right here on the podcast.

And one of them is my favorite book of 2018

jeff brown

Just for you, I’ve created written summaries of each of these books and am making them available to you absolutely free.

If you’re on my mailing list, they should already be in your email inbox. If you’re not on my list currently and you’d like to grab these free summaries, you can get them right now by entering your first name and email address below. 

Before we get to these special books, I want to give you a chance to try my online book club for just $1.

When you take me up on this you’re going to get access to all our content from the last two years – including many more book summaries and our virtual book chat recordings – and, you’ll have the chance to attend our January chat LIVE where we’ll be visited by the author of the book we’re reading together this month called Clarity Wins (which, by the way, deserves an honorable mention as a book you should read for a productive 2019).

Get access for 30 days for just $1 by clicking here. Then, at checkout, enter the discount code JAN19.

If after 30 days you don’t think it’s awesome, you can cancel – at which point me and all our current members will mourn your departure. 🙁

Keep reading for more on these important books, or click “play” below

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247: Hospitable Leadership with Terry A. Smith

Author of The Hospitable Leader

When I agreed to interview today’s guest, there were two key things I didn’t know about him and his new book.

As I cracked it open I learned that not only was he the pastor of a large church in a suburb of New York City, but that Jesus (yes, that Jesus) would be at the center of this idea of hospitable leadership.

Terry A. Smith

How appropriate, then, that our chat with him drops on Christmas Day? Sometimes, things just seem to come together perfectly.

This mystery man is Terry A. Smith, and he’s here today to share from his new book called The Hospitable Leader: Create Environments Where People and Dreams Flourish.

Practicing leadership with a hospitality mindset is the right way – the moral way – to lead people. But when understood properly, hospitable leadership has a radical edge.

And, it brings revolutionary results!

NOTE: Terry is offering the audio version of his book for 50% off, just for listeners of Read to Lead.

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