295: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

An audio book summary

Some days I am fortunate to read a book that completely changes the way I think and view the world.

Today is one of those days and I am excited to tell you about it.

The book in question was the featured book in my online book club just last month. Even though I hadn’t approached the author about an interview, I didn’t want to let that stop me from sharing it with you.

I’m talking about Simon Sinek and his new book called The Infinite Game.

Simon was a guest of mine way back in Episode #043 when we chatted about one of his previous books called Leaders Eat Last.

I honestly believe his new book is one that should be read by every CEO, leader and rank and file employee.

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294: Exceptional Presentation Delivery with Tim Pollard

Author of Mastering the Moment

Today’s guest, you might say, takes what he does very seriously.

Another way to say it might be that he’s a little extreme.

tim pollard

However, no one can deny that he is very good at what he does. That’s why I love talking to him so much.

His name is Tim Pollard and his new book is called Mastering the Moment: Perfecting the Skills and Processes of Exceptional Presentation Delivery.

Tim first appeared on Read to Lead to talk about The Compelling Communicator: Mastering the Art and Science of Exceptional Presentation Design.

I love his approach to delivering presentations (a topic about which I am very passionate). I ask a question about this topic of nearly every guest I interview. Today, it receives our focus.

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293: Attract Top Talent and Build a Thriving Culture

With author Grant Botma

There’s the saying that goes ‘Nice guys finish last.’

Then there’s the nice guy who proves he’s the exception to the rule.

grant botma

And in the world of mortgage brokers, nice guys can be an anomaly. But today’s guest is trying his best to change that, starting with sharing about his own leadership style.

His name is Grant Botma and his new book is called The Problem Isn’t Their Paycheck: How to Attract Top Talent and Build a Thriving Company Culture.

His company Stewardship is an Inc. 5,000 Fastest Growing Companies in America.

And not only are Grant’s employees among the most productive in their field, but every single one of them loves their job.

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292: Transform Your Business Through Meaningful Engagement

With Amanda Slavin, author of The Seventh Level

My guest today brings a ton of knowledge around the topic of developing true engagement both internally and externally.

She also brings with her a lot of excitement and downright fun.

Amanda Slavin

Make no mistake. Amanda Slavin (pronounced SLAY-vuhn) is definitely right where she is supposed to be doing exactly what she was made to do.

Her brand new book, released October 20, is called The Seventh Level: Transform Your Business Through Meaningful Engagement with Your Customers and Employees.

Today, and in her book, she unveils the tools to measure and grow your brand’s engagement, forge a deeper, more personal connection with customers, and unite your employees around a shared mission.

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291: How to Have Conversations That Matter with Celeste Headlee

Over the years, I have been asked numerous times to recommend books on helping to improve communication skills.

My go-to list is a short one but includes my favorite and most effective books on the topic.

celeste headlee

There is now a new book and a new author topping that list for me.

Her name is Celeste Headlee and her book is called We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter.

In it, Celeste outlines the strategies that have helped make her a better conversationalist and offers actionable steps that you too can take to improve your communication skills.

Learn more about the book that Publishers Weekly calls, “Powerful.”

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