Episode #118: Build Your Business and Live Your Dream

Kimanzi Constable, co-author of Stop Chasing Influencers

Kimanzi ConstableIn the past 12 months since we last heard from Kimanzi Constable (Episode #069), he’s had some pretty amazing things happen.

He continues to write for ever more mainstream publications like The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, MindBodyGreen, Success and The Good Men Project. This, more than anything, has afforded him the opportunity to do more speaking and corporate training than ever. In fact, Kimanzi traveled over 100,000 miles last year, and expects to do even more this year as he visits Germany, Japan and many other places for the first time.

He calls it a lifestyle business. He loves to travel. Because of his hustle, he (and sometimes his wife) are able to travel together expense free, all while Kimanzi is getting paid a fee to boot. How awesome is that?

We talk about this and much more, including diving into his new book with Jared Easley called Stop Chasing Influencers: The True Path to Building a Business and Living Your Dream.

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Episode #115: Pat Flynn Helps You Validate Your Business Idea

From the New Book Will It Fly?

Pat FlynnPat Flynn calls himself the “crash-test dummy of online business.” He’s also extremely successful at it. But that wasn’t always the case.

After losing his job as an architect in 2008 as the U.S. economy struggled, Pat turned to the internet for a possible new career path. In the months and years that followed, learning all he could about being an online entrepreneur, Pat launched the Smart Passive Income blog and podcast as a way to teach and inspire others who craved the same freedoms he’d come to enjoy.

Those platforms have enabled him to do work he loves – helping other passionate entrepreneurs build and grow successful online businesses. Like me, Pat says that being let go was the best thing to ever happen to him.  

After first appearing on Episode #007 back in 2013, Pat returns to chat about his latest book, Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money.

To join my conversation with Pat, simply hit the play button below. You are sure to learn a lot.

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Episode #113: How to Crush Your Next Media Interview

Based on Three Decades of Experience

There was a time when a stage or platform was strictly borrowed by the one with the talent.

To sing for a living meant you needed a record deal. To write for a living meant you needed a publishing contract. In my case, to talk into a microphone for a living meant you first had to “run the board” at odd hours and for minimum wage until the program director decided you were ready for more responsibility.  

radio studio

Those fortunate enough to be given a platform kept it on the condition they continued to make the gatekeepers money and/or look good. In the words of Janet Jackson, it was very much a “What have you done for me lately?” kind of world.

In many ways this model is still in play of course. But, as more solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, and other content creators continue to spring up from what are arguably the ashes of the industrial age, the ability of the average person to leverage these larger, more traditional, platforms has been strengthened.

Click the Play button to listen to the episode, or scroll down for the written highlights.

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Episode #102: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms

with Beth Buelow, the Introvert Entrepreneur

beth buelowChances are, everything you’ve learned about introverts, or what it means to be one, is wrong.

My guest today, Beth Buelow (pronounced BEE-loh), says that you don’t need to be loud and brash be be successful in business. In fact, the strengths and traits of the typical introvert lend themselves well to entrepreneurship, as well as “intrapreneurship” and a range of business roles.

Beth’s book, The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms, is available for pre-order now.

In it, Beth addresses a wide range of topics, from managing fears and expectations and developing a growth mind-set, to networking, marketing, leadership skills, and community-building. Her book is filled with fresh insights and actionable advice.

To join our conversation, simply hit the play button below.

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Episode #101: Master Personal Transformation with Jay Samit

Author of Disrupt You!

Jay SamitMy guest today is a digital media innovator and pioneer in the music, video distribution, social media, and eCommerce space.

He is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and innovation. He launches billion dollar businesses, transforms entire industries, revamps government institutions, and for over three decades continues to be at the forefront of global trends.

His name is Jay Samit and his book, Disrupt You!: Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation, is my new favorite book of 2015…it’s that good!

Everyone from the Pope to the President calls on Jay help bring positive change in this era of endless innovation.

Jay says it starts with mindset. In other words, “you have everything you need to thrive; you just have to plan for the race of your life.”

To join our conversation, simply hit the play button below.

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