Episode #145: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale

With Paul Smith, author of Sell With a Story

I’ll be the first to admit it. I missed the boat when the first book from today’s guest was released. 

It was (is) called Lead with a Story. I say “missed the boat” because I remember the book coming out and wanting to make time to dig into it for consideration for the show. But, unfortunately, that never happened.  

paul smith

All the more reason why my interest piqued when I first learned of Paul Smith’s latest book, released last month.

The similarly titled Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale, explains how stories work, when to use a story to move the sales process along, which ones to always have handy, and how to turn real-life experiences into stories that resonate.

After reading only the first third of the book, I’d already gleaned a number of great ideas to implement into my own business.

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Episode #140: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life

With Kelly Roach, author and business coach strategist

My guest today has a track record of success at nearly every turn.

From being the youngest member of Philadelphia Eagles cheerleading squad her freshman year in college, to seven promotions in eight years working for a Fortune 500 firm, Kelly Roach contends that it all starts with mindset.

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Mindset though is just the beginning. In her new book, Kelly lays out a no-nonsense plan to stop wishing and to start doing!

Kelly is now a business strategy coach, entrepreneur and author and has created for her and her husband and child exactly the life she’s always wanted.

In Unstoppable: 9 Principles for Unlimited Success in Business and in Life she shows you how to do it too.  

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Episode #136: Developing Your Exit Strategy with Ellory Wells

Hot to get from where you have to be to where you want to be

ellory wells

This week, my guest is a guy with experiences that are probably not much unlike your own.

He used to be in a job he hated. Is that where you are? Are you stuck in what seems like a dead end and aren’t sure what to do to change it?

Then you need an exit strategy. And that’s exactly what Ellory’s new book dives into. In fact, it’s called Exit Strategy: The Exact Tactics to Transition from Where Your Have to Be to Where You Want to Be, and it’s out now!

We dig into the book in our conversation on this week’s episode.

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Episode #135: 18 Income Streams From a Single Book

With Author Kary Oberbrunner

Kary OberbrunnerI am supper excited about this week’s episode, mainly because I’m convinced it can change your life!

Former guest Kary Oberbrunner is back. Not only is he speaking today on the 18 streams of income you can generate from writing a single book, but he’s also agreed to share even more in a FREE 90-minute training webinar I’ll be hosting. 

When you register, you’ll snag some free resources right away. And, everyone attending live also gets a free gift.


Even if you’re already an author, you’re going to learn a lot on today’s episode and on the webinar. You see, Kary has created three six-figure businesses around his last three books. And, he wants to show you how!

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Episode #134: How to Carve Out Creative Space

With Amy Whitaker, author of Art Thinking

amy whitakerUp until a few weeks ago, I’d never heard of Amy Whitaker or her new book.

It’s awesome publications though like Success Magazine (I’ve been a subscriber since 2013) that have introduced me to new books and up-and-coming authors I might have otherwise missed. 

Amy’s new book is Art Thinking: How to Carve Out Creative Space in a World of Schedules, Budgets, and Bosses, and it officially releases today, July 5, 2016. 

Amy believes business thinkers can learn from artists and writers. To that Success Magazine says, “At a time when science, technology, engineering and math threaten to crowd the humanities out of American universities, Whitaker’s approach could not be more timely.” 

Her book lays out a program for cultivating art thinking, and “how to leverage creative failure into progress, inventions, and new products or services.”

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