212: Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money

With Take Your Shot author Robin Waite

I love a good story. Some of my favorite business books are filled with compelling and thought-provoking stories.

Then there area handful – books from the likes of Andy Andrews, Bob Burg, Pat Lencioni and others – that don’t just include a few good stories, but are themselves told in narrative form from beginning to end.

robin waite

Such is the case from our guest today, Robin Waite. His new book is called Take Your Shot: How to Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money and, in it he argues that, among other things, you’ve got to change the perceptions of your business so that you can get out of your own way.

That’s right. Sometimes the problem with your struggle to succeed is you.

I learned how to better build desirable products, even though I consider myself a service provider, how to price those products confidently, and how to demonstrate value to my potential clients and customers.

In short, I learned a ton and I think you will too.

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210: 8 Steps to Launching Your Own Mastermind Group

Someone once said that, in the years ahead, you’ll be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.

That could not be more true for me and my life. You’re well-acquainted with my love for books and my belief in the dramatic impact intentional and consistent reading can have on one’s life.

jeff brown

You may be less familiar with the fact that, over the last five years, the books I’ve read coupled with the people I’ve chosen to surround myself with have been a boon to my business and personal life.

Today, I want to let you in on the other “secret” to my success. Mastermind groups!

Enter your first name and email address above to grab my free PDF on how to launch your own mastermind group. And for more insights, be sure and click the play button below on today’s episode.

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208: How to Stay In Love With Your Entrepreneur

Featuring Start, Love, Repeat author Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

If you are an entrepreneur – whether you’ve launched a company, a lifestyle business, or are working as a freelancer – or you’re the person married to one, today’s episode is one you do not want to miss.

My special guest today is Dorcas Cheng-Tozun and she has over a decade’s worth of experience living life with an entrepreneur, including all the ups and downs that go with it.

dorcas cheng-tozun

In her new book Start, Love, Repeat: How to Stay in Love with Your Entrepreneur in This Crazy Startup World, as well as in today’s episode, Dorcas is transparent in regard to her own journey and isn’t afraid to share what she and her husband Ned, founder of d.light, have learned from their mistakes.

I have to say that I found both my conversation with Dorcas, and reading her book, quite refreshing. I think you will too.

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207: How to Take Your Startup From Idea to Empire

With author and Inc. columnist Colleen DeBaise

You no doubt know that I read. Like, a lot. At least a book a week anyway.

You may not know, however, that I spend time not just reading books, but also a handful of trusted sources in the magazine world.

colleen debaise

My favorites include Success, Wired, Fast Company and Inc.

Today’s guest, in fact, is a contributing editor at Inc. magazine, as well as a podcast host (The Story Exchange). She authored The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook and the book being featured today.

That one is called, Start a Successful Business: Expert Advice to Take Your Startup from Idea to Empire.

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Episode #193: The Best Book I’ve Read This Year

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy reading business and personal growth-type books because you understand the value of lifelong learning. You’re dedicated to your personal and professional growth.

I shudder to think that much of my 20s was spent spinning my wheels as I put a halt to learning.


the big leap

I remember thinking when I left college, “Awesome. All the learning is done. So glad I don’t have to do that anymore!”

School basically succeeded in teaching me not to enjoy the process. So much so I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Now? Well, you know the story. I read at least a book a week. Not because I have to, but because I enjoy it.

In fact, it was setting a goal of reading regularly that eventually lead to me launching Read to Lead. I was reading a book a week anyway. Why not share the process with everyone else? 🙂

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