If you’ve achieved any amount of success in your business, then you may be among those who realize it’s not come without sacrifices. Sacrifices that affect your relationship with your spouse and your children.
As you no doubt realize, it doesn’t have to be that way but, unfortunately, it can often seem to be easier said that done, right?
That’s why I’m excited to have recently met (virtually) Mr. Jim Scheils. He has an incredible vision to impact families all around the world with the message that true, outstanding quality time with the people you care about is indeed possible, even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of demanding work and school schedules.
Jim’s book – originally released three years ago, but relaunching next week in an updated and revised edition – is called The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers to Create Lasting Connection With Your Children.Â
I don’t have children of my own, but I still benefited greatly from reading it. That’s because Jim’s concepts and strategies apply to all of your cherished relationships.
Jim asks, “If you could do one thing to dramatically strengthen your family in just a few hours, would you do it?” Of course you would, right?
Then welcome to the most important meeting of your life!
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