538: Efficiency Unleashed: Harnessing AI in the Workplace with Jeff Frownfelter

Today marks a first ever and a second ever. Let’s take the second, first.

Today’s episode marks only the second time in the history of Read to Lead where the guest is not promoting a book but is, rather, here simply because of their expertise in a specific area.

Jeff Brown

And the “first” is that it’s the first time I’ve ever invited on a guest that I attended high school with!

That was a long time ago. In fact, we graduated 40 years ago this year.

My guest is Jeff Frownfelter. Jeff has spent virtually his entire career in IT, even before they were calling it that. He is also someone who, because of his coding expertise, has taken quite naturally to using AI in his every day life.

Jeff is well ahead of his IT peers when it comes to his AI use. This gives him an advantage. One that you, too, need to consider for the sake of your work.

AI won’t likely replace you and your job in the future. But it’s quite likely that someone using AI will.

I felt who better than my long-time friend and fellow graduate, Jeff, to help us better understand why we should be using AI in our every day work, and how to actually go about it.

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My Prepared Questions (courtesy ChatGPT)

General AI Use:

  • How are you currently integrating AI into your daily workflow?
  • Can you provide some specific examples of tasks that AI has helped automate or streamline in your work?

Productivity Enhancements:

  • How has AI improved your productivity and efficiency?
  • What AI tools or applications do you find indispensable in your day-to-day tasks?

AI in IT:

  • Are there any unique challenges in using AI within the IT sector? How do you overcome them?
  • How does AI help in troubleshooting and resolving IT issues more quickly?

Knowledge Work Applications:

  • What AI tools would you recommend for knowledge workers to improve their research and information management?
  • Can you share any examples of how AI has helped you manage and analyze large volumes of data?

AI and Personal Development:

  • Have you found any AI applications that assist with personal development or learning? How do they work?
  • How do you stay updated with the latest AI trends and advancements?

Future of AI:

  • What future AI developments are you most excited about, and how do you think they will impact your work?
  • Do you see any potential risks or downsides to the increasing reliance on AI?

Practical Advice:

  • What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to explore AI tools for productivity?
  • Are there any resources or training programs you would recommend for learning more about AI?

Books Referenced

Evil Robots, Killer Computers, and Other Myths: The Truth About AI and the Future of Humanity by Steven Shwartz

Autonomous Transformation: Creating a More Human Future in the Era of AI by Brian Evergreen

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