532: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions with Harry Max

There’s productivity. There’s time management. And then there’s managing priorities.

Harry Max

We often lump managing priorities in with these other areas but, in reality, effectively managing priorities is a discipline all to itself and one that, frankly, is rarely—if ever—approached holistically.

Until now.

My guest this week is Harry Max, author of Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions (use the code READ20 for 20% off at this link).

Managing Priorities is your guide to prioritizing anything—anytime and anywhere.

Harry digs into the best practices for prioritization at Apple, DreamWorks, NASA, Adobe, Google, Microsoft, and beyond, and brings them together in a single, practical method that you can apply step by step.

Every business person who is even remotely interested in prioritization should read this book.

Whatever you need to prioritize—tasks, goals, OKRs, projects—this book is for you. Specific chapters are dedicated to what needs to happen and when for individuals, teams, and whole organizations.

I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about Harry and his work. For a summary, just keep scrolling.

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In today’s episode, I ask Harry about:

  • How his DEGAP process model helps us become more intentional about our priorities
  • The distinction between “episodic” and “periodic” prioritization
  • The importance of identifying and prioritizing our “avoidances”
  • And lots more!

Order Harry’s Book

You can order your copy of Managing Priorities: How to Create Better Plans and Make Smarter Decisions right now (use the code READ20 for 20% off at this link)!

Consider Ordering My Book Too!

Purchase a copy of my new book (written with Jesse Wisnewski) Read to Lead: The Simple Habit That Expands Your Influence and Boosts Your Career. There, you can also download the introduction and first chapter for free!

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Books Harry Recommends

Duly Noted by Jorge Arango

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

Thinking In Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts by Annie Duke

Moonwalking With Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer

Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson

Check Out These Additional Resources

Grab a copy of Harry’s book now (use the code READ20 for 20% off at this link).

Check out this website for more from Harry.

Consider inviting Harry to visit your organization.

Connect with Harry personally on LinkedIn and X.

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Finally, thanks for listening and remember, “Leaders read and readers lead.”

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