392: Stimulate Greater Engagement and Productivity with Roy Heintz

I have Jamey Lutz to thank for introducing me to today’s guest. Jamey himself was a guest not that long ago.

Roy Heintz

I enjoyed talking with him immensely, so when he recommended I look into the work or Roy Heintz, I listened.

Roy is a professional speaker who has been impacting crowds all over the world for over 30 years.

His dynamic and entertaining style has made him a much sought-after speaker for leaders, corporations, teams, and organizations.

He has been synonymous with “Championship Success” as a business leader, basketball coach, television analyst, and professional speaker, and his influence across diverse audiences has been evident worldwide.

I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about Roy and his work. For a summary, just keep scrolling.

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In today’s episode, Roy and I chat about:

  • What millennials are looking for in their work environment
  • We’ll break down each letter of his LEAD acronym
  • How education and training helps set apart companies like Chick-fil-a and Southwest 
  • And lots more…

Order Roy’s New Book

You can order your copy of LEAD Like a Coach: A Proven Way to Stimulate Greater Engagement and Productivity right now!

Consider Ordering My New Book Too!

Purchase a copy of my new book Read to Lead: The Simple Habit That Expands Your Influence and Boosts Your Career. You can also download the introduction and first chapter for free!

Roy in Action

Check Out These Additional Resources

Grab a copy of Roy’s book now.

Visit Roy’s website to find out more about her and her work.

Learn more about inviting Roy to your next event.

Connect with Roy personally on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Finally, thanks for listening and remember, “Leaders read and readers lead.”