313: Building a Compelling Subscription With Robbie Kellman Baxter

Author of the new book, The Forever Transaction

It’s true. While working out the details in booking today’s guest for the show, I found another email exchange we’d shared nearly five years ago.

In this brief exchange, we talked about her coming on to the show. That visit NEVER materialized!

robbie kellman baxter

Why? Because I completely lost or forgot about the email.

Well, it’s time to right that wrong. Thankfully, she had no recollection of that first email and agreed again to come on. 🙂

Her latest effort is a book called The Forever Transaction: How to Build a Subscription Model So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave.

It is an excellent follow up to her first book, you know, the one I missed out on telling you about all those years ago.

With The Forever Transaction, you have everything you need to build durable, long-term relationships with every customer, and leverage them for ultimate business success – today, tomorrow, and forever.

Click the play button below to join our conversation now, or keep scrolling for a summary.

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In today’s episode, Robbie and I explore:

  • How to know whether your company or industry should be considering some type of subscription model
  • The questions you need to ask to diagnose where you are in regard to being prepared to launch something like this
  • How to recognize who should be leading which phases of the process. 
  • And lots more!

Robbie’s New Book

You can order The Forever Transaction: How to Build a Subscription Model So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave right now!

Robbie in Action

Books Robbie Recommends

Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin

The Challenger Sale: Take Control of the Customer Conversation by Matthew Dickson and Brent Adamson

Getting Started in Consulting by Alan Weiss

Check Out These Additional Resources

Visit Robbie’s website here for more about her and her work.

Be sure and grab your copy of Robbie’s book now.

Check out Robbie’s Membership Economy Lab.

Connect with Robbie on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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